The vulnerabilities of hypervisors

The efficiency of hypervisors against cyberattacks has earned them a reputation as a reliable and robust software application. But the persistence of hackers who never run out of creative ways to breach systems keeps IT experts on their toes. You should know the vulnerabilities of hypervisors so you can defend them properly and keep hackers […]

Better ransomware protection with Windows 10

In 2018, ransomware was the biggest malware threat to businesses worldwide. Experts say it’s not likely to go away soon. But thanks to Windows 10’s beefed-up security features, you can easily secure your business from the dangers of ransomware. Controlled Folder Access This feature allows you to list certain documents and folders as “protected.” Only […]

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online activities, you may have hesitated about whether or not it’s the right decision. We’ve listed the pros and cons of monitoring your employees, and some tips to make […]

3 Reasons why security is better in the cloud

If small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) think cybersecurity is impossible to manage now, just think about what it was like before the internet provided a way to receive IT support remotely. Today, enterprise-level solutions and security can be delivered from almost anywhere in the world. Read on to find out why that’s even safer than […]

Threats facing financial institutions today

Despite efforts to remain secure, financial services make up 35% of all data breaches, earning the unfortunate title of most breached sector. It provides multiple avenues for cybercriminals to monetize their skills through extortion, theft, and fraud. These incidents compel businesses and individuals to take cybersecurity seriously. How prepared is your business? A good starting […]

Understanding HTTPS

Are you an avid online shopper? Have you noticed if each payment page has HTTPS in its URL lead-up? If you’re not absolutely sure, you might be a prime target for identity theft. Here’s why you should make sure that the websites you browse for shopping have a little padlock icon on them in the […]

Turn off Windows 10’s invasive settings

Windows 10 is slowly becoming the operating system of choice because of its improvements over past versions. But it isn’t perfect, as many users have complained about its intrusive default privacy settings. Reclaim your privacy with these tips on disabling its nosy settings. Turn personalized advertising off For those unaware, Windows 10 assigns each user […]

Fileless malware: The guileful threat

Fileless malware isn’t new and are an increasingly prevalent threat against organizations. This type of malware is not as visible as traditional malware and employs a variety of techniques to stay persistent. Consequently, it can adversely affect your business process and the infrastructures that run them. Let’s take a closer look at how it works […]

Invaluable tips for online safety

Let’s be honest, surfing the net in the comfort of your home or with the privacy of a small screen feels safe. However, certain sites could be snooping on your online activity by placing digital trackers called “cookies” on your devices. Here’s what happens to your personal details whenever you go online. With the headlines […]

Autocomplete password risks

Advertisements and “helpful” suggestions based on your internet browsing habits can be troubling. But what’s even more alarming is that hackers have found another way of tracking you via seemingly harmless autocomplete passwords. Here’s what you need to know. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous As of December 2018, there are 4.1 billion internet users […]