3 Security advantages of the cloud

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) no longer need to view cybersecurity as an insurmountable challenge. Cloud technology has transformed the security ...

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6 Microsoft 365 migration errors to avoid

Embarking on a Microsoft 365 migration is a transformative journey for any organization, but there are numerous pitfalls you should watch out for. In ...

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Is it worth monitoring employees online?

The digitization of the workplace has opened up new frontiers for employer oversight. With workers more connected than ever through computers and internet-based ...

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How to mitigate remote work security risks

In recent years, remote work has become more popular. While this working arrangement offers many benefits, it also creates numerous security risks. This ...

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Social media privacy: A comprehensive guide

With cyberthreats becoming more sophisticated, safeguarding your personal information on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter is crucial. ...

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Master Excel with these nifty functions

Microsoft Excel is used extensively by individuals and businesses across the globe. However, a considerable portion of users don’t know how to fully ...

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Is your password strong and secure?

A password is more than just an assortment of characters you're required to enter in order to access your accounts. It is the first line of defense against ...

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HTTPS: A key measure for secure browsing

Every day, we entrust the internet with our most sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or even just our browsing ...

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Ways to boost your productivity in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is an email and calendaring solution that can help you stay organized and productive. But given its vast array of features, it can be ...

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The truth behind cloud computing myths

As more and more business owners shift their operations to the cloud, it's not uncommon for them to encounter various myths and misconceptions surrounding ...

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How to keep your SMB safe from cyberattacks

Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field, and the threats that businesses face are becoming more sophisticated. One of the best ways to stay protected ...

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Cybersecurity jargon made simple

Cybersecurity is a crucial component of managing a successful company and understanding different cybersecurity terms is essential to protecting your ...

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Your essential guide to Microsoft Whiteboard

In the age of remote work and distributed teams, effective collaboration and visual communication are vital for business success. Microsoft Whiteboard ...

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Essential guide for mitigating data loss

Data loss can have severe consequences, including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal issues. Therefore, implementing robust measures to safeguard ...

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The power of AI in Microsoft Bing and Edge

Microsoft has taken search engines and web browsers to the next level with the introduction of the new AI-powered Microsoft Bing and Edge. This groundbreaking ...

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How business intelligence drives success

Business intelligence (BI) encompasses a wide range of techniques and technologies that enable organizations to harness their data to gain valuable insights. ...

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How businesses can benefit from dashboards

More and more businesses are leveraging data dashboards. These business intelligence tools can visualize data, giving businesses a comprehensive snapshot ...

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How to enhance your company's BYOD security

Bring your own device (BYOD) is a trend that has grown in popularity because of the convenience it offers employees, but it also presents a serious security ...

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Choosing between Groups, Teams, and Yammer

Microsoft 365 provides three amazing tools that make it easier than ever to communicate, collaborate, and share documents with your colleagues — Groups, ...

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Why you should avoid password autofill

With all the different passwords you have to manage, it can be tempting to just let your browser store your passwords for convenience. However, this "convenience" ...

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Harnessing the power of workflow automation

Do you ever find yourself caught in a web of endless tasks and emails, struggling to manage all of your work? Do you feel like there's never enough time ...

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Keep your SMB safe from these hackers

As technology advances, so do hackers and their skill at infiltrating networks and systems. Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can be particularly ...

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Top productivity tools for remote teams

With the rise of remote work, there's a need for more efficient tools to keep teams connected and productive. In this article, we will explore the best ...

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The importance of private browsing

Did you know your browser automatically saves a record of your online activities, or that many sites can trace precisely what you clicked on? While this ...

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Performing a fresh reboot of Windows 11

If you are having performance issues, problems shutting down, booting up, memory or apps on your computer, you may have to perform a clean install of ...

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What’s coming to Windows 11 in 2023

Microsoft is actively developing updates to Windows 11, which will gradually be released throughout 2023 as Moment updates. Moments was introduced as ...

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Easy trick to speed up your computer

Do you feel like your computer is running slower and slower as time passes? Are some of your programs taking longer to load, or do they seem to hang while ...

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Improve internet security with VPN

Even if you're using a firewall and anti-malware software, hackers could still intercept data being sent to and from your device. So if you're not using ...

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Essentials for a high-converting website

For business owners like you, the end goal of having a website is for people to buy your product or service. However, getting your website visitors to ...

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How to pick the right MSP for your company

The business IT landscape keeps evolving rapidly. This can make it difficult for business owners to keep up with the latest trends and changes, let alone ...

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Don’t let disasters ruin your business

Disasters can happen to anyone, and when they do, it can be difficult for small- or medium-sized businesses (SMB) to get back on their feet. Your business ...

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How to create stronger passwords

Passwords are a necessary evil in today's world. We need them to protect our online identities, but they can be a pain to remember and type in. That's ...

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Email account security you should follow

Your email account is one of the most important pieces of online property you own. It's the gateway to your other online accounts. If your email account ...

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A guide to protecting your Microsoft 365 data

Microsoft 365 offers a number of features to help you protect your business’s data. In this article, we provide seven ways to boost data protection ...

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PowerPoint tips to impress your audience

Many people struggle with creating effective and engaging PowerPoint presentations. To help you take your PowerPoint presentation to the next level and ...

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Tips to customize Windows 11 settings

Windows 11 is packed with new features and customization options. Whether you want to add some aesthetic elements to your desktop, change it back to that ...

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How virtual reality can benefit SMBs

Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive experience that can take your business to new heights. It can help you connect with customers in ways never before ...

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Tips for improving your Excel skills

Are you looking to expand your Microsoft Excel expertise? Do you want to learn how to work smarter with this powerful business tool? This article will ...

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Work from home security best practices

In many industries, remote working is becoming an increasingly popular option for employees. But with the freedom and flexibility of working from home ...

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5 Ways to save money on cloud services

The cloud is a great resource for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) such as yours. It provides a number of advantages, including scalability, ...

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Must-try Windows 11 customization features

Windows 11, the newest operating system from Microsoft, is a breath of fresh air for PC users. Designed to provide a personalized experience, it offers ...

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How to optimize website images for SEO

Images are invaluable components of a website because they can help promote your products or services to potential customers. However, if your images ...

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Simplify logging in with Windows Hello

You can now log in faster and more securely to your Windows 10- or 11-powered device with Microsoft’s Windows Hello. This feature allows you to log ...

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How to choose the safest web browser

The internet is filled with cyberthreats that can quickly put a company out of business. These threats often infiltrate business networks through unsecured ...

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Fileless malware: The invisible threat

Hackers have found a clever way to get around anti-malware software — they’re using fileless malware, a type of malicious software that's not as visible ...

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Benefits of deploying a hybrid cloud

More and more companies these days are hosting their business components on the cloud, as it has proven to be reliable, cost-effective, and secure. However, ...

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Read this before upgrading to Windows 11

Windows 11 is out. And with its sleek design and new features, it’s no wonder that so many people are considering upgrading. But should you switch to ...

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The risks of password autofill

Hackers may have found an effective way to track users using a web browser or password manager’s password autofill feature. Here’s how they do it ...

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Windows 11: The basics you need to know

Windows 10 remains the most popular operating system (OS) in the world today. And because it will still be supported until 2025, most users don’t feel ...

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The value of AI to eCommerce businesses

Over the past few years, eCommerce has experienced rapid growth, with more and more consumers preferring to do their shopping online. In 2022, the industry ...

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Speed hacks for Google Chrome

While Chrome is many users' browser of choice because of its speed, it does consume a lot of system RAM. Additionally, there are times when it feels slower ...

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How to clean your PC using Disk Cleanup

Over time, your Windows PC accumulates files you no longer need, which can slow down its performance. That’s just how the Windows operating system works. ...

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Make the most out of Outlook with these tips

Millions of businesses worldwide use Microsoft Outlook, preferring the free web-based email and calendar service over its many competitors. Outlook also ...

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Web hosting: A brief overview

Creating an online presence usually starts with building a website, but to access your website on the internet, you need to partner with a web host. This ...

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Surf securely with a VPN

There was a time when installing an antivirus program was enough to secure your data, but that’s no longer the case today. Whether you want to keep ...

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3 Disaster recovery myths, debunked

With advancements in cloud computing, disaster recovery (DR) has become more efficient and affordable than ever. However, many business owners still cling ...

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The latest innovations in Windows 11

With Windows 10 installed in over a billion devices, the success of this operating system (OS) is going to be hard to replicate. However, that isn’t ...

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4 Things to consider before choosing an MSP

Incorporating technology into business operations can be challenging because it's always evolving. Many companies simply can’t keep up — this is why ...

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A little desktop tidiness goes a long way

You may have the habit of putting apps and files that need your immediate attention on your desktop, but not moving them to proper folders when you’re ...

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Helpful tips for keeping your email safe

People rely on email to do a wide array of tasks. We use it to sign up for websites, apply for jobs, make payments, get in touch with friends and family, ...

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5 Savvy Gmail features you should try

Today, over 1.8 billion people use Gmail, choosing it over other email services for its ease of use and productivity-boosting capabilities. They’ll ...

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Reasons you should switch to Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge is a web browser that offers a fast, intuitive, and productive user experience. If you’re in the market for a new and high-performing ...

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Master OneNote in no time

OneNote is a useful program that lets you create and share digital notebooks containing handwritten or typed notes, drawings, screen clippings, audio ...

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How to strengthen your BYOD security

Many businesses are adopting bring your own device (BYOD) policies as more employees work from home. The problem is, if you’re not careful, BYOD can ...

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Protecting your data from hurricanes

Hurricanes damage property and put lives at risk. If you’re not prepared, hurricanes can also disrupt your operations and put your business through ...

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How to protect corporate data

Time and again, we have seen hackers infiltrate even the most secure systems of multinational corporations. As a business owner, you can’t afford a ...

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Cloud-based ERP and its benefits

Using the cloud is so common these days that most small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have at least one cloud service supporting their operations. ...

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File Explorer without ads: A quick guide

You will see notifications and ads on Windows, regardless of the version you’re using. Some users don’t mind them, but others do. Even on File Explorer, ...

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Time to upgrade your Excel skills

With Microsoft Excel’s new features being so incredibly user-friendly, there’s no excuse to remain basic. Upgrade your skills with our three tips ...

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Hacks to speed up your WordPress site

Ten years ago, we didn’t mind waiting five seconds for a website to load, but today, we’ll click away if it doesn’t load immediately. If you want ...

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How to mitigate Microsoft 365 security risks

Microsoft 365 has transformed the way many organizations work by enhancing workflows, collaboration, and efficiency. But like other cloud-based solutions, ...

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4 Ways to boost staff efficiency

Technology enables businesses to work remotely, collaborate more efficiently, and manage their time more effectively. But to achieve these benefits, you ...

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Keyboard shortcuts you can use in Windows 10

Technology makes work easier, and something as simple as keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. If you have a Windows 10 computer, then you may ...

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6 Chrome extensions you should be using

Google Chrome is a fast, light, and versatile web browser that delivers a great experience to its users, so it’s no surprise that it has the biggest ...

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5 Most common security breaches

From attacks on mobile devices to ever-increasing types of malware, cybersecurity has never been more challenging. One of the best ways to stay protected ...

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Firefox features you should start using

Whether you’re using Mozilla Firefox for personal internet browsing or work, this powerful browser has features that can improve your experience. Make ...

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Setting up Windows 10 on your laptop

Now that you bought a new laptop, you may think that all you have to do is go through Windows 10’s setup. But that's not true. Your computer is not ...

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Simple steps to protect data in the cloud

Small- and medium-sized businesses can't afford a data breach. According to IBM’s 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report, a single breach can cost organizations ...

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The importance of security audits

Organizations can't afford to be complacent with their cybersecurity. Beyond installing the latest cybersecurity tools, you need to conduct a security ...

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4 Data backup solutions for your business

Modern businesses use data in almost every aspect of their operations. Without immediate and constant access to it, organizations will come to a grinding ...

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How Office Delve works

More and more small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are relying on Microsoft 365 as their productivity suite of choice. When this software solution ...

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How Disk Cleanup can make your PC run faster

Receiving a notification that your computer is running out of disk space can be stressful — or even a real emergency if it happens while you're working ...

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What’s new with Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel can be used to record inventory, create simple and complex formulas, and manage data. The world’s most popular spreadsheet program is ...

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Which web browser is the most secure?

Enterprise cybersecurity is a holistic system that involves employing security practices at every level of use. This includes picking out the most secure ...

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Your guide to Microsoft 365 Groups connectors

Microsoft 365 Groups has a nifty feature called connectors, which enables users to link to and get information from third-party apps in Microsoft Outlook. ...

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Supercharge your office’s chat app

Do the features of your company’s chat application feel limited? With many tasks and people involved in daily work, having a centralized chat app to ...

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Web hosting: A brief overview

Are you looking to create a website for your business? Aside from the design and functionality of your website, make sure to also look into your web host. ...

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Boost revenue by implementing reliable CRM

As a business owner, you know that gaining and growing a solid base of loyal customers is crucial to the success of your venture. Therefore, the effectiveness ...

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Microsoft rolls out new admin capabilities

Migrating workflows to the cloud, securing all company devices and software, and ensuring 24/7 data access are gargantuan tasks that IT administrators ...

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Why business continuity plans fail

Even the best managed IT services provider (MSP) can overlook certain business continuity plan (BCP) details. This is why businesses should always be ...

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Fighting phishing scams with Microsoft 365

Microsoft is a known provider of top-tier business productivity software — and its commitment to its subscribers’ cybersecurity is integral to that ...

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How website images affect SEO

When working with web platforms like WordPress, there are three letters that induce anxiety in any business owner: SEO (search engine optimization). It’s ...

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Should you get Windows 10 Home, Pro, or S?

When buying new hardware for your laptop, you have to choose which operating system (OS) to install. And if you go with Windows 10, Microsoft's latest ...

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How to pick a VPN for your business

A virtual private network (VPN) offers a host of security and privacy benefits, especially if you’re surfing the web or transacting online over a public ...

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Easy tips to keep your cloud costs down

Moving to the cloud can save your business a lot of money, which explains why the technology is so widespread. But what many business owners fail to realize ...

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Personalize your Windows PC with these tips

Just like its predecessors, Windows 10 is designed to provide a personalized experience to its users. It offers many ways in which you can change your ...

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How you keep your email account safe

Everyone uses email to send and receive sensitive information, making it an attractive target for cyberattacks. The importance of email security is vital ...

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Web conversion done right in 5 steps

Are there surefire ways to attract prospects to your website and to convince them to sign up for your product or service? The first step is always to ...

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How to choose the best MSP

Business owners are increasingly realizing the importance of adopting efficient, flexible, and cost-effective IT systems. But as customers’ expectations ...

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The threat of distributed spam distraction

You wouldn’t think that cybercriminals would carry out their nefarious schemes in plain sight — except that they do and you’ve probably already ...

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Use Gmail with ease with these 5 tips

Gmail’s email management interface is a crowd favorite, owing to its pleasant aesthetics and intuitive design. But did you know that you can still take ...

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Excellence in Digital Services Award Winner


LAS VEGAS, Aug. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Nero Consulting has been named one of 11 winners of the Channel Partners Excellence in Digital Services Awards. ...

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5 Tips to work smarter in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook comes with a raft of features that make managing your busy schedule and boosting your productivity easier. If you find Outlook’s myriad ...

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Reasons why your business needs SaaS

Can you afford the software licenses your small business needs? Worried that you don’t have the budget for yearly maintenance costs? For many small ...

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Why it pays to have a good-looking website

In a recent survey of 1,800 customers, 42% said they’re “very unlikely” to purchase from ugly websites. That’s not so surprising. After all, there ...

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4 Tips to boost your Windows 10 PC’s speed

New computers are anything but cheap. For this reason, just because your current Windows 10 computer is taking longer than normal to perform simple tasks ...

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A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by anti-malware programs, cybercriminals are increasingly abusing legitimate software tools and programs installed on computers to ...

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Can private browsing keep you safe?

Privacy is a precious commodity in this era. Every website you visit or app you download leaves a digital footprint that can be tracked by anyone. Fortunately, ...

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Dress your website for success

When people visit websites, first impressions count. Wow your audience by following our tips.
Make a statement with professional photographs
Before site ...

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Top IT Service companies in NYC

There's no way to say, "this IT company is the best in New York,” because the best for you may be a mediocre option for someone else. Every Managed ...

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Empower your business with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 isn’t just a new name for the tech giant’s old product Office 365. The new software comes with chock-full of tools that will empower ...

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What you need to know about HTTPS

Most people don’t question the padlock icon that sometimes appears in their web browser’s address bar. If you’re one of those who didn’t know, ...

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New Android malware detected!

If you have an Android device, be careful! An exceptionally dangerous Android malware known as DEFENSOR ID is currently making the rounds in the Google ...

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The latest on Microsoft’s update channels

All business users must have access to the latest security and non-security updates in Microsoft 365. But there are businesses that prefer to update their ...

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Could telecommuting be the new norm?

Despite businesses' reservations, remote working comes with numerous benefits, including lower overhead expenses and improved productivity. And with the ...

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Ways to download and install Windows 10

Microsoft is making it easy for any user to download Windows 10 from its website. This is helpful for those who want to burn it to a DVD for future use, ...

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Security best practices for remote workers

Working from home increases employee autonomy, cuts costs, and ensures the health and safety of the company during the coronavirus pandemic. The problem ...

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Essential tools for remote working

The global pandemic hasn’t defeated many hard-working managers and teams. They’re protecting themselves from the virus, meeting deadlines, collaborating ...

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Cloud services in demand due to pandemic

Providers of cloud-based services are experiencing a steep increase in demand these days, as the COVID-19 pandemic goes global. Because of the pandemic, ...

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Awareness Work-from-Home Deployment Kit

In response to COVID-19, organizations worldwide are implementing work-from-home policies. Yet for many organizations, managing a remote workforce is ...

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How businesses are impacted by COVID-19

Businesses and consumers are facing a lot of uncertainty because of the coronavirus pandemic. As COVID-19 continues to spread, the only thing that seems ...

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Autocomplete password risks

Web browsers come with features to improve user experience. One of the most popular ones is auto-fill passwords. These are designed for users to store ...

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OneNote: Microsoft’s most underrated app

The hidden gem of Microsoft Office, OneNote has your digital note-taking needs covered. This piece of software is essentially a digital notebook in which ...

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Why UPS is necessary for network equipment

Fire, flood, storm, and other disasters can lead to power failure and productivity loss. Using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for computers ensures ...

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Get rid of these 5 types of PC clutter

Is your Windows 10 PC running slowly? It could be because of all the digital clutter your PC has to deal with. Clutter can impede your computer’s performance ...

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3 Hats a hacker might wear

While not always accurate in its portrayal of hackers, Hollywood does get at least one thing right: there are many types of hackers out there, all with ...

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Easy steps to make Google Chrome faster

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world with over two billion installs, one billion users, and 53% share of the market. Its speed is ...

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Why a technology business review is vital

Identifying opportunities in all areas of business is vital for growth. However, one area that’s often overlooked is technology. Although it’s tempting ...

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FAQs about bloatware and how to remove them

Ever powered up a brand new laptop straight out of the box and realized that there are already a ton of apps installed that you know you’ll never use? ...

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3 Excel tips that make life easier

Microsoft Excel is now better than ever, thanks to its extremely user-friendly features. Pull yourself up skillswise by following our three tips.

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AI and eCommerce: All you need to know

If you run or manage an eCommerce business and are wondering how you can benefit from artificial intelligence (AI), you’re in luck. We’ve come up ...

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Microsoft adjusts how Windows 10 is updated

Having problems with your Windows 10 updates? Perhaps they’re incompatible with your latest driver update. To prevent such issues from happening, Microsoft ...

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Office 365 hacking: What you need to know

With over 150 million active subscribers, Office 365 is, unsurprisingly, on top of hackers’ minds. And now, hackers are using a technique that doesn’t ...

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Why O365 and Surface are perfect together

Surface is comprised of Microsoft’s top-of-the-line laptops and tablets built with touchscreen capabilities, allowing them to integrate with Office ...

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Do you need identity and access management?

To defend against cyberthreats, businesses often implement strong antivirus software and firewalls — but both these solutions are not enough. A cutting-edge ...

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Easily sign in with Windows Hello

Microsoft has introduced a convenient and personal way to sign in to your Windows 10 devices. With Windows Hello, you can now log in with just a look ...

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Data security: Prevent insider threats

In the healthcare industry, 58% of security incidents begin with an inappropriate action carried out by someone within the affected organization. Although ...

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Office 365 add-ons that boost productivity

Microsoft’s Office 365 has made everyday business operations more efficient with programs like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and Outlook. As if ...

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Cloud hosting for business continuity

Unforeseen disasters can strike at any time, and when they do, your business could come to a grinding halt. Having a business continuity plan could prevent ...

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Power BI’s predictive forecasting

To help you prepare for future challenges and opportunities, Office 365 has predictive forecasting: Power BI’s powerful business analytics tool. Learn ...

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Protect your business data in the cloud

Though touted for its increased security, the cloud isn’t 100% safe from data breaches. A small- and medium-sized business has to be proactive with ...

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Why BI is for everyone

If you’ve managed to convince yourself that only large enterprises have the money to take advantage of Business Intelligence (BI), then think again. ...

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Get Windows 10’s November 2019 Update now

With the Windows 10 November 2019 Update, your desktop or laptop will get some small but important tweaks to its systems. If you haven’t already, install ...

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BYOD security tips

The bring your own device (BYOD) phenomenon continues to rise in the workplace. There are a number of benefits and risks that BYOD brings. For it to be ...

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Keep track of work with Google Tasks

Small- to medium-sized business owners and managers lead busy lives. There’s always one task or another that needs their attention ASAP. Thanks to Google ...

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5 Ways Office 365 migrations fail

Microsoft is working hard to ensure that its popular cloud-based productivity suite Office 365 is constantly being improved. Because of the great products ...

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Why businesses should opt for CRM

However good you are at running your business, you won’t get very far without a steady stream of customers. To effectively foster customer relationships, ...

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Twitter tips to boost your business

Without a doubt, social media marketing is one of the most powerful methods your business can employ to reach a wider audience. When we think of social ...

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5 Signs of weak enterprise security

As the number of cybersecurity threats increases, many business owners have no recourse but make cybersecurity a priority. But how does one know if your ...

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Should you consider virtualization?

Knowing which technology to use and when to use it is key to boosting productivity and reducing costs. One of the best ways to do this is to virtualize ...

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Office 365 Connectors explained

Within Office 365 Groups, there’s a feature called Connectors. It allows you to link to popular third-party services without ever having to leave Outlook. ...

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3 Ways to browse the net safely at work

Amidst the current climate of malware, hacks, and phishing scams, companies must take precautions when accessing the internet. Without safeguards, browsers ...

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Top 5 business continuity errors

Business continuity plans are designed to protect an organization's critical data in case of a crisis, but employees are also a part of that equation. ...

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5 Gmail hacks to maximize your productivity

If managing your inbox is decreasing your productivity, you're not alone. We all struggle to unsubscribe from outdated newsletters and get ourselves removed ...

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How to fix Office 2019 issues

Microsoft Office 2019 has become one of the most popular productivity suites used by schools and offices alike. It is one of the most sought-after software ...

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Facebook marketing mistakes to avoid

Over the last few years, the number of Facebook users has been growing at an astounding pace, and many businesses are advertising on the platform to better ...

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How to pick the most secure browser

The internet is a Wild West of sorts, as one could never know what kind of threat they’ll come across. This is why for businesses, it’s important ...

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Windows 10 tools for backing up files

Ransomware attacks are in the news again. Thankfully, business owners are becoming more aware of the damaging effects of malicious software. Companies ...

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5 Ways systems can be breached

When it comes to business IT security, many small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often struggle to protect their systems from various cyberattacks. ...

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Why website engagement is a crucial metric

When it comes to website analytics, traffic isn’t everything. Engagement with your site content is a better indicator that visitors to your website ...

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Top 3 cloud service models

There are countless technology-related trends that come and go, but one of the most important technologies that business owners are sticking with is the ...

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5 Things to avoid when investing in IT

Running a business can be time-consuming, especially if you’re managing staff, looking for growth opportunities, and looking after clients. This leaves ...

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Presenting Microsoft 365

Microsoft has sold Office 365 and Windows 10 to businesses in various ways. While some business owners don’t mind purchasing the two solutions separately, ...

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Juice jacking: What is it?

We’ve come to rely on our smartphones to help complete daily tasks, and this has resulted in the need to recharge our phones multiple times a day. But ...

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Virtualization: 10 Critical terms

Virtualization is the act of moving a physical component or bit of software from a physical environment to a digital one that’s normally delivered over ...

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Replace phone scheduling with Bookings

Time is the commodity of service providers — therefore being able to manage it well ensures profitability. To maximize your schedule, use Bookings by ...

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SEO recommendations for website images

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most difficult and frustrating aspects of running a business. Web services and platforms that provide automated ...

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Data backup solutions for your business

Any business owner worth their salt knows the value of data to business. This is why it’s bizarre that many business owners don’t have a proper data ...

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An ad-free Windows 10 with File Explorer

No matter what version of Windows you’ve got—the free upgrade, the licensed OS, or the Professional version—you will see ads and notifications. ...

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Google puts a premium in mobile searching

When it comes to business-related searches, Google is second to none. But despite being the industry leader in search engines, this powerhouse is never ...

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How robust dashboards help your business

A dashboard is a business intelligence tool that displays metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) for organizations. Dashboards give you an overall ...

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Safeguarding your social media from hackers

Social media phishing is on the rise. Facebook is one of the most commonly impersonated brands in phishing attacks. Hackers now employ more sophisticated ...

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Tips to address Office 365 security issues

Microsoft’s Office 365 is highly popular among businesses not just because of its robust features and cost-saving benefits but also because it’s widely ...

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How the human cloud benefits SMBs

If the prevalent image of a startup is a couple of guys in a garage (think Amazon, Apple, Disney), the emerging picture of the workforce of the future ...

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7 Video content types you should know

Video content can be a great addition to your post-click landing page. It’s also a nice way to get more out of your marketing campaign efforts. In fact, ...

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Configuring Windows 10 on your laptop

Did you just buy a new laptop? Then it probably has Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 10, pre-installed. Windows 10 is packed with some interesting ...

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A look at Office Delve

Microsoft Office 365 is constantly gaining popularity with small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This means the amount of data created by Office 365 ...

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Web hosting defined

Every business, regardless of size and industry, needs to have an online presence these days. To publish your own website, you’ll need a web host. Here’s ...

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Use data analytics to manage backups

The amount of data that the average business manages is unprecedented. And with that shift comes an unavoidable challenge: Deciding which files and records ...

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Clean your desktop to optimize your PC

Have your computers slowed down? As a business owner, you rely on your PC to get work done and keep productivity up. But a cluttered desktop can lead ...

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Do more with Office 365

You’ve probably purchased Office 365 to be more productive, but things haven’t turned out well. Don’t feel bad since it’s not too late; here’s ...

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Three types of business dashboards

Dashboards allow you to better understand your customers and easily make informed business decisions. But with many types of dashboards out there, each ...

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The benefits of hosted Exchange

Servers can host almost every type of business program, with email being one of the most common. When businesses look for email server services, they ...

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5 Tips for securing your email account

Email is one of the best things the internet has made possible. We use email to signup for websites, apply for jobs, make payments, and many more. But ...

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Licensing issues with virtualization

Software developers make a profit by selling us the best product they can create. When selling pieces of their software in bulk, they offer licensing ...

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Presenting using PowerPoint? Use these tips

Do you find it difficult to keep your audience’s attention whenever you do a PowerPoint presentation? You’re in luck, because we have some of the ...

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Top features in Windows 10 May 2019 Update

The first major Windows 10 update in 2019 started rolling out in late May, and it is packed with a raft of tools and apps to enhance user experience as ...

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Guarding your company’s data

Some of the most well-known companies in the world have been victims of cyberattacks, including Sony Pictures, Home Depot, Adobe, and eBay. While major ...

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Lower your data center bills

Data centers can be costly, more so if they quickly drain your resources. How much do you spend on them every month? Don’t be afraid to calculate your ...

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Office 365 simplifies calendar sharing

Office 365 receives updates so often that they’re hard to track. But the software suite’s basic calendar functions will always be among the most popular. ...

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Flood-proof your business technology now

In 2018, eight hurricanes left a trail of devastation that destroyed homes and businesses. Things aren’t looking bright in 2019, as experts have warned ...

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Disarm Windows 10’s intrusive settings

Microsoft’s Windows 10 has had the same level of acceptance and success as Windows 7 did. It’s not a perfect operating system though, as users are ...

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What you need to know about Google Posts

A Google Post is content that promotes your business’ services, announcements, offers, events, product updates, or any content for free. This tool provides ...

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Which Office 365 plan is right for you?

Collaboration, file sharing, and data management are made easier with Office 365. You can use its apps anytime, anywhere, and on any device, but do you ...

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Protection through browser extensions

In these times of internet fraud, phishing scams, and high-profile hacks, you can never be too careful. Even if you think you have enough precautions ...

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Boost office productivity with technology

When it comes to increasing your employees’ efficiency and productivity, technology can provide countless opportunities to streamline workflows, eliminate ...

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Two excellent ways to verify user identity

To keep your network safe from cybercriminals, your first line of defense should be a secure login process. When it comes to verifying user identity, ...

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5 Ways Office 365 migrations fail

Office 365, the cloud-based version of Office, is one of the most popular software suites used by small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) today. With ...

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Organize online sales with an OMS

More and more businesses today are seeking ways to run their operations optimally from top to bottom, a huge reason behind the proliferation of order ...

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Quickly update Windows 10 with these tips!

It’s absolutely necessary for your business to update Windows 10, mainly for the security patches that will protect your business. Updating basically ...

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Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, ...

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Five design tips to improve your website

It’s not enough for small businesses to have a beautiful-looking website these days. Small business owners must also adopt web design trends that not ...

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Keep your business alive with BCP

Power outages, disasters, and other disruptions are inevitable. Thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ...

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The vulnerabilities of hypervisors

The efficiency of hypervisors against cyberattacks has earned them a reputation as a reliable and robust software application. But the persistence of ...

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Track activities on documents with G Suite

G Suite allows users to track who viewed a document on the new activity dashboard, as well as the time and date it was viewed. This useful feature in ...

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Are you wasting your O365 subscription?

Even if the subscription model is making more companies look like slow money drains, subscribing to Microsoft’s cloud-based Office 365 is well worth ...

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Better ransomware protection with Windows 10

In 2018, ransomware was the biggest malware threat to businesses worldwide. Experts say it’s not likely to go away soon. But thanks to Windows 10’s ...

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Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online ...

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Boost productivity with these Outlook tips

Microsoft's development team continues to improve and update its Outlook email application, which means some users have a hard time keeping up with the ...

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SQL Server 2008 to reach end of support soon

If your website or databases are still on SQL Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, consider yourselves warned: Microsoft is ending support for these ...

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Cybersecurity and managed IT services

The saying that every company is a technology company is undeniably true, with today’s enterprises unable to function without digital hearts, veins, ...

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Top ways ERP improves your business

The only way for your business to succeed is for it to keep improving. There are many areas you can always refine, like company policy and customer service. ...

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Details about Microsoft’s lightweight OS

Reports about a new Windows operating system (OS) called “Windows Lite” is currently making the rounds online. According to insiders, this OS is a ...

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Threats facing financial institutions today

Despite efforts to remain secure, financial services make up 35% of all data breaches, earning the unfortunate title of most breached sector. It provides ...

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Understanding HTTPS

Are you an avid online shopper? Have you noticed if each payment page has HTTPS in its URL lead-up? If you’re not absolutely sure, you might be a prime ...

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How good is your disaster recovery plan?

You may think you know all about disaster recovery plans (DRP) from attending conferences or reading up on the subject. But one of the best ways to learn ...

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What are virtual containers?

Virtual containers are changing the way business IT design and support are carried out, just like virtualization technology did a few years ago. If your ...

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Differentiating Groups, Yammer, and Teams

Yammer, Outlook Groups, and Microsoft Teams have plenty in common. They’re all Office 365 tools designed for sharing files and communicating with colleagues. ...

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Turn off Windows 10's invasive settings

Windows 10 is slowly becoming the operating system of choice because of its improvements over past versions. But it isn't perfect, as many users have ...

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Fileless malware: The guileful threat

Fileless malware isn’t new and are an increasingly prevalent threat against organizations. This type of malware is not as visible as traditional malware ...

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Google Alerts: Keep watch on your business

Business technology evolves rapidly that more and more customers are turning to those that can deliver products and services fast. Business owners have ...

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Invaluable tips for online safety

Let’s be honest, surfing the net in the comfort of your home or with the privacy of a small screen feels safe. However, certain sites could be snooping ...

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How do I maximize my Microsoft Teams?

If you’re like most people, your chat app is limited to asking basic questions or maybe touching base with a colleague. You switch tabs to do one thing ...

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5 social media tips to drive your growth

Setting up a business can be overwhelming, especially now that digital marketing is so crucial. Many small businesses and start-ups find themselves not ...

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Take notes the modern way with OneNote

Note-taking is an essential skill for students and professionals. Whether it’s a board meeting, a conference, or a lecture, you will inevitably need ...

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The risks posed by Windows 10 bloatware

Have you bought a new PC or laptop recently? Don’t be too impressed by so-called value-added pre-installed software, as these take up storage space ...

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Autocomplete password risks

Advertisements and “helpful” suggestions based on your internet browsing habits can be troubling. But what’s even more alarming is that hackers ...

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The cloud and virtualization explained

Cloud computing and virtualization are similar but that doesn’t mean that one can be substituted for the other. Each has its own benefits, so it pays ...

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CRM optimization best practices

The effectiveness of your business's day-to-day operations is the best indicator of whether your customer relationship management (CRM) software is performing ...

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The biggest mistake to avoid with VMs

Virtual machines (VMs) make IT resource management effortless. By making a few simple adjustments in your virtualization console, you can easily create ...

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How to get the best out of G Suite

Your business may be already using G Suite, Google’s powerful productivity and collaboration platform. But while your staff may already be familiar ...

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Use Single Sign-On for login efficiency

No matter how valuable your cloud subscriptions are, each new set of login credentials users are forced to create and memorize adds another level of inefficiency. ...

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Our guide to Windows 10 build 18305 for PC

In this Windows 10 build 18305 guide, we'll focus on the most important changes that Microsoft carried out for the 2019 major release.
Start menu
This ...

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Tips on how to manage Google reviews

Getting Google reviews for your business has never been more important. Consumers are scouring the internet for online reviews to help them in their purchase ...

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Why UPS is important in network gear

Storms, floods, fire, and other emergencies can cause productivity loss due to power failure. Utilizing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your ...

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Why you need a VPN and how to choose one

Back in the day, simple antivirus software was all you needed to stay safe from security threats. Nowadays, it takes more than that to protect your online ...

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Simple tricks to improve your productivity

When you spend more than eight hours a day staring at a computer screen, it can be easy to lose focus on important tasks. While you can access some of ...

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Serverless computing and its benefits

Small- and medium-sized business (SMB) owners make the mistake of thinking all of their problems can be solved by migrating to the cloud. They forget ...

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The latest and greatest Office 365 updates

Office 365 just keeps getting better and better. Check out how these new and upcoming enhancements can improve productivity.
Write and draw with ...

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Windows Hello simplifies logging in

You can now log in faster and more securely to your laptop, tablet, websites, or apps with Microsoft’s Windows Hello. You only have to use your camera ...

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What’s so great about Google Data Studio?

Gaining valuable insights from vast amounts of raw data has never been more crucial to your company’s growth. It allows you to identify operational ...

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Your password may be poor — update it now

For years, we’ve been told that strong passwords include three things: upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And why wouldn’t we when ...

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Do ugly websites really cost you money?

No business owner should ever be embarrassed by their website. It’s worth the effort to run through everything with a fine-toothed comb and ensure your ...

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Windows virtualization for Mac use

There are countless reasons to run the Windows operating system (OS) on a Mac computer, but the main one is so you can use apps designed for PC on an ...

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3 Types of hackers you should know about

What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who presents their findings ...

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Six handy Gmail tips for your business

Time is of the essence, especially for small- or medium-sized businesses. To keep up with your competitors, spending most of your day rummaging through ...

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Back up your mobile devices now

Smartphones have become so advanced that there's virtually no business task they can't handle. Now everyone uses mobile devices to access work documents ...

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Google Chrome’s new money-saving warning

The world’s most used browser, Google Chrome, is getting a new update in December this year. Chrome has had numerous versions, but its 71st version ...

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7 easy ways to prevent data loss in Office 365

For businesses, data security is critical. If this information is lost or stolen, it could lead to crippling financial losses, legal disputes, and more ...

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Preparing for Windows end of support

According to NetMarketShare’s September 2018 data, 40.88% of users are still using Windows 7. The popular operating system (OS) is currently on extended ...

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Cloud migration made safe and secure

While many IT providers tout the revolutionary benefits of the cloud, very few address the security aspect of it. The fact is, when you’re using a cloud ...

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Top reasons for technology business reviews

Businesses need technology to be profitable and productive. But not all technologies are capable of delivering on their perceived benefits. To make sure ...

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How Office 365 deals with phishing attacks

Microsoft not only builds robust productivity solutions for its customers, but it also prioritizes their security above all else. This year, the company ...

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Cortana commands everyone should know

Not yet using Microsoft’s voice-activated personal assistant, Cortana? You’re missing out on some beneficial, hands-free functionality, like launching ...

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What exactly is proactive cybersecurity?

Most managed IT services providers (MSPs) promise “proactive” cybersecurity consulting. Businesses large and small embrace the idea of preventing ...

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6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

Although it is important, security is something that some Mac users overlook. That’s fine if all you do is watch YouTube videos or experiment with Photo ...

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5 Tricks to cut cloud costs

As a business owner, it’s important to be aware of the unexpected costs associated with the cloud and what measures you can take to keep those costs ...

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Reasons your business needs CRM software

Failure to understand your customers’ needs and wants could result in ill-informed marketing strategies. And when your company can’t satisfy their ...

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Optimize Windows 10 with these steps

Although Windows 10 is packed with wonderful new features, it’s far from perfect. Users have complained about storage, connectivity, and update issues, ...

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Office Insider: Get previews of new features

With major improvements like Calendar.help, Outlook, and Surface Pen, you would think that Office 365 has already reached its full potential. With the ...

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Using machine learning for productivity

If you think Google Apps is already doing a great job by making difficult tasks easier, you might want to know how it does that. G Suite applications ...

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4 types of hackers to watch out for

Why do hackers attack? Is it for money, notoriety, or political reasons? As a business owner, you should always try and find out the motive behind an ...

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How to deal with complaint sites

A dissatisfied customer sounding off on a consumer complaint site about how unhappy they are can have serious ramifications to your company’s online ...

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Web conversion made easy with 5 tips

Every marketing channel has best practices. For websites, it comes down to being user-friendly. Without this, even a terrific-looking website may discourage ...

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The benefits of hyperconvergence

Diverting funds away from primary business functions to deploy and maintain IT infrastructure used to be hard for SMBs. However, with hyperconvergence ...

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Cloud storage 101: OneDrive vs SharePoint

Office 365 comes with different storage and sharing options to make business owners more productive. Two of these are OneDrive and SharePoint, both of ...

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Windows 10 October 2018 best features

Microsoft releases two major Windows 10 updates every year, one in spring and one in fall. Following Windows 10’s April 2018 update, Microsoft is set ...

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Beware of these social engineering tactics

The Rio Summer Olympics took place years ago, but the hackers who infamously used social engineering to exploit the event are still with us. Although ...

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Which web browser do you prefer?

To access the web when the internet was in its infancy, computer users could only choose between Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. Thanks to advancements ...

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AI-based productivity coaching from O365

Office 365 has dozens of productivity-boosting tools that it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with all of them. One you may have overlooked is MyAnalytics, ...

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4 Tricks for better indexing on Google

Getting your site at the top of Google’s search results is invaluable for generating conversions and entire industries have sprung up around making ...

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5 virtualization options for every SMB

Understanding office virtualization is difficult enough; picking from the long list of software providers that help you achieve it can feel impossible. ...

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How to master Microsoft Excel

You may know how to use Microsoft Excel's basic functions, but have you truly mastered the program? Excel has more advanced features, and here's how you ...

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Quick guide to Windows 10 notifications

Regardless of the app, platform, or operating system, digital notifications are a tricky business. Our devices are overcrowded with software of varying ...

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Best practices for SMB Facebook pages

One point five billion people check Facebook every single day. That’s a lot of potential business for companies that take the time to manage and update ...

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5 Easy tips for preventing data breaches

Keeping your personal and professional information safe from cybercriminals is not easy. It takes constant vigilance and frequent training. There are ...

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Make tech trends work for you! Here‘s how

Have you seen folks wandering around, staring at their phone like it was a map pointing to a pot of gold? Or ordering pizza over a Facebook conversation ...

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PhishPoint attack looks like SharePoint

Have you ever received an email that claimed to come from a bank or government office when it obviously didn’t? It was probably a phishing scam trying ...

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Windows 10: Your PC, your way

The Windows 10 interface looks good and is quite intuitive, but something is still missing — your signature style. Microsoft's premier operating system ...

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What are the risks of BYOD?

The bring your own device (BYOD) strategy lets employees use their personal mobile devices to do work for your company from anywhere. This strategy increases ...

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An introduction to G Suite Apps

Google has come a long way since it started out as just a search engine two decades ago. Their most recent development is called G Suite, a cloud-based ...

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How AI helps e-commerce businesses

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an exciting innovation that’s becoming integral to many businesses. Industry experts are even predicting that by 2020, ...

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Is your continuity plan doomed to fail?

Like all things, business continuity plans are not perfect. They have pitfalls that can result in your business’s failure if not taken into account ...

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How to increase retweets on Twitter

Are your tweets not getting enough exposure? While posting regularly and writing bold headlines are important in grabbing the audience’s attention, ...

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Boost productivity with valuable Word tricks

Microsoft Word is the top choice for businesses when it comes to word processing. You can create professional documents and even incorporate tables and ...

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4 ways to speed up Windows 10 for free

Windows 10 users normally complain that their computers tend to slow down after some time. They can add either a faster hard drive or more memory, but ...

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New Spectre-style attack discovered

Cyberattacks continue to evolve at a worrying pace. Just when you think one security threat has been fixed, a more dangerous version of that threat is ...

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4 Ways web monitoring boost productivity

With YouTube, Reddit, and Instagram just a few clicks away, it’s a miracle employees can get anything done during an eight-hour workday. This problem ...

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Here are 5 types of virtualization

Companies of all sizes are embracing virtualization as a way to cut IT expenses, enhance security, and increase operational efficiency. But while people ...

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Best practices for switching to Office 365

More and more small and medium-sized businesses are making the switch from on-premises systems to cloud-hosted Office 365. If you’re one of them, you ...

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How to protect private info on Windows 10

It takes seconds to infiltrate and obtain private information. Although it’s unlikely that Microsoft will cause your business financial ruin with their ...

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Security policies for your business

Businesses rarely address cybersecurity in their company policies. With cybercrimes becoming more prevalent, it's important you inform staff about the ...

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4 must-know facts about the Cloud

Cloud computing has given companies affordable and flexible solutions to deal with rapidly advancing technological demands. However, for the small business ...

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How to get the most from your business data

It’s one thing to collect your business’s data, but turning that information into insights that propel your organization toward growth is quite another. ...

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Google Drive’s productivity secrets

Do you know how to get the most out of Google Drive? As with a lot of technology, most people don’t know all the ins and outs. That’s why we’ve ...

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New design upgrades to Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 apps like PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, and Excel will be getting upgrades over the next few months. Microsoft expects these new features to boost ...

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Get the most out of Bing’s Visual Search

Years ago, Microsoft released a feature for its Bing search engine that lets users upload photos in lieu of text-based queries. It’s a helpful feature ...

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Assess risks before buying new software

The growing market for cybersecurity products is a sign that businesses are taking the issue seriously. But before your company jumps into investing in ...

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3 important web content trends

Content is an important part of how you market your business’s website, and it constantly changes based on consumer habits. Today, the average internet ...

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What to do in case of a website breach

Big companies like Yahoo, Target, and AOL are often at risk of data breaches because of the large volume of data they collect and store. And when a data ...

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Boost Productivity With 7 Office 365 Add-Ons

Microsoft Office 365’s numerous productivity-boosting apps like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and Outlook have allowed businesses to meet client ...

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Windows 10 Redstone 5: What to expect

Every major update of Windows generates excitement among its users, and the upcoming Windows 10 Redstone 5 is no exception. Scheduled for release in the ...

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SMB routers targeted by VPNFilter malware

Earlier this year, news broke that a malware strain named VPNFilter was infecting hundreds of thousands of devices. If you didn’t act then, now’s ...

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Apple WWDC 2018: News and updates

The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) has developers meeting and joining discussions with more than a thousand engineers from Apple. What new products ...

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Google Pixel 3 news and early predictions

Google has been hitting their stride with their smartphones in recent years. When the first Google Pixel was released, many tech experts and consumers ...

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Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know

What’s the worst thing that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices? If you guessed ‘getting infected with malware,’ you’re right. ...

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Chrome: From HTTP to HTTPS

Within the last year, Chrome has helped users understand that HTTP sites are not secure. More websites use HTTPS, a safer protocol, than ever before. ...

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The dangers of app overload in businesses

Blessed are today’s businesses for having the benefits of technology to make operation more
efficient. Apps have been a big help in streamlining business ...

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Facebook: 4th favorite choice for teens

Facebook is no longer the most popular social media platform for US teens. According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center, only 51% of US teens aged ...

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Office 365 will block Flash by 2019

Microsoft recently announced plans to eventually stop the activation of Silverlight, Shockwave, and Flash content in Office 365. This is not just the ...

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Tips and tricks on Windows 10

If you think you haven’t maximized all that Windows 10 has to offer, you’re probably right. Windows 10’s recent updates include a few small but ...

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WordPress security updates: Yay or nay?

WordPress (WP) websites play a crucial role in establishing a business’s online presence. One way WP developers keep business owners safe and happy ...

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Can AI empower customer service agents?

Imagine having artificial intelligence assistants (AI) like Siri or Cortana as your company’s customer service agents. It sounds fantastical now, but ...

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Android P: Top Features You Must Know

The days of Android Oreo being the latest operating system for Google's mobile platform are numbered, as the search engine giant gave a sneak peek to ...

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Outlook gets new features

The new Outlook features can help you manage your time, respond to emails, take care of important things and more. Also, new upcoming features will connect ...

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What you must know about Google I/O 2018

Google I/O 2018 is over, and the conference was packed with announcements. After CEO Sundar Pichai started the event by reminding the tech industry to ...

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Keeping files secure with Windows 10

Ransomware brings a world of trouble to any business. From operational disruption and revenue loss to total shutdown, no company is spared. That is why ...

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Leave no room for hackers to operate

For most people, social media is a convenient way to stay in touch with family and friends. For a small group of people, it’s an opportunity to profit ...

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Best new features in the updated Gmail

Aside from a new look, Google introduced substantial improvements to Gmail, including functions that let you enable confidential mode, snooze emails, ...

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How Cloud Backup Helps Your Business

New threats to businesses’ precious employee and customer data emerge every day, so the only surefire way to protect your files from viruses, theft, ...

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How connectivity impacts mobile workers

Mobile devices, such as smartphones and laptops, have changed the landscape of business organizations everywhere. Nowadays, businesses arm their workers ...

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Microsoft improves security in Office 365

It’s becoming more and more difficult to ensure privacy and security in the applications we use today. Microsoft is well aware of the anxiety that Office ...

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Microsoft rolls out flashy Windows update

The Spring Creators Update for Windows 10 will begin rolling out soon, and unlike its predecessors, this one can be installed in under half an hour. It ...

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What are watering hole attacks?

When talking about cyberattacks, the first one that usually comes to mind is phishing, a scam that uses email to spread malware or steal personal information. ...

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Non-financial blockchain solutions

Despite internet connections that deliver information to the other side of the globe in milliseconds, countless industries still rely on slow and inefficient ...

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Top 6 new features for Microsoft Teams

Are you using Microsoft Teams to streamline communication between your employees? If you are, get ready to enjoy a more convenient workplace chat platform. ...

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New accessibility features in Windows 10

Microsoft is all about improving the user experience, and this time they’re focused on improving its OS’s accessibility features. Windows 10 users ...

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What private browsing can and can’t do

As you surf the web, it’s nearly impossible to keep your internet activity completely private. Certain websites collect personal information for marketing ...

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Quick recoveries with external IT support

Small-business owners with limited financial resources have to manage their office IT on their own. Although this might work for a while, it can grow ...

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Google’s AI helper gets new features

As with any trade show or conference in which Google participated the last few years, the South by Southwest (SXSW) expo witnessed another unique exhibit. ...

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How to optimize Office 365

Out of the hundreds of Office 365 tools available to you, you’re probably using only 10-15% of them. This could be due to a lack of training or an unfamiliarity ...

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What’s causing slow Windows 10 updates?

All Windows 10 updates come with security fixes, exciting new features, and other assorted improvements, so it’s extremely important to install them ...

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Safe web browsing requires HTTPS

How many times this month have you paid for something online using your credit card? Was each payment page secured by HTTPS? If you’re not 100% certain, ...

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Tricks to make you work smarter in Outlook

Email users are always looking for a better way to organize their inboxes, personalize their email signatures, or streamline group communication. Fortunately, ...

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The difference between Windows 10 versions

Buyers are not short of choices when it comes to Windows products. Apart from the long list of apps available in the Windows store, they also have to ...

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Chrome users panic as new scam spreads

During the previous quarter, fake Chrome notifications urging users to dial a tech support number have grown dramatically. Research reveals that this ...

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Using Cortana to Organize Business

You are probably already aware of Cortana, the Windows 10 AI personal assistant. Did you know that you can use it to improve the efficiency and productivity ...

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Google Updates Chrome with New Features

As both an internet user and a business owner, you need to know how to get the most out of your web browser. If you want to see Google as a business tool ...

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Beginner’s guide to virtualization

Deciding to invest in virtualization technology is one of the easiest decisions you can make. By consolidating computing resources into physical servers, ...

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Microsoft updates apps for Apple devices

Microsoft has announced updates, including new capabilities in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook for iOS and Mac. Office 365 subscribers can now easily ...

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Facebook announces News Feed change

Facebook recently announced a big change to its News Feed. In response to the backlashes it has been receiving -- mostly due to allegations of how social ...

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Reclaim your Windows 10 privacy

The advent of social media has enabled advertisers to target their consumers better than ever before. But, are you aware that your operating system could ...

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Virtual DR for ransomware protection

The massive success of ransomware like WannaCry and Petya have spurred other cybercriminals to develop their own ransomware and sell it on the black market. ...

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Groups, Yammer, and Teams defined

While most Office 365 apps serve a unique purpose, tools like Outlook Groups, Yammer, and Microsoft Teams can all be used to communicate and collaborate ...

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Windows releases a new patch for PC users

Two vulnerabilities, known as Meltdown and Spectre, have been found affecting almost every Windows desktop and server. Computers affected by these two ...

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Enlist IT help when installing CPU updates

When it comes to security updates, time is usually of the essence. The longer you wait to install a fix from a vendor, the higher the risk of being compromised. ...

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Should you use UPS for your network gear?

Smart business owners use uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for emergency situations like a storm, fire, or other disasters. Often, a UPS is deployed ...

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Use Google Search like an expert!

Everyone is familiar with Google Search, and most of us use it every day to find the information we need. Ironically, very few people know how to make ...

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When Pre-installed Apps Create Risks

Bloatware is generally considered harmless, but what about when these unnecessary apps turn into a security risk? A recent report shows that a pre-installed ...

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New AI-driven Features For Office 365 Users

Enriching Office 365 with more everyday AI functionalities, Microsoft has introduced ‘Insights Preview’ to MS Excel, ‘Acronyms’ feature for MS ...

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Beware of what you save in web browsers

Passwords are a double-edged sword. If you make them too simple, they’ll be easy to guess; if you make them too complex, they’ll be impossible to ...

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5 social media trends to watch for!

With the tug-of-war between mammoth social media platforms for daily users, 2018 is poised to become the biggest year for technological advancements in ...

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What to expect from hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud got off to a slow start when compared to public cloud. However, as more business owners realize the unique flexibility it has to offer, the ...

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2017’s most valuable IT solutions

It’s the perfect time of year to evaluate last year’s technology investments and make adjustments for the year to come. Whether 2017 left you with ...

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Will Containers change IT?

If you’re deterred by heavy-duty full machine Virtualization, then the open-source container platform developed by Docker is something you might want ...

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Microsoft Teams tips and tricks

If you think Microsoft Teams is good only for business instant messaging, you’re missing out on a plethora of features Teams has. Microsoft’s chat ...

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Windows 10 testers get new features

With the release of the Windows 10 Fall Creators update, users received an array of new features and improvements, including a streamlined Edge browser, ...

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Phishing alert: scammers now use encryption

When you visit an encrypted website, the connection between the source of the web page and your browser is secure. Encryption ensures users’ browsing ...

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Gmail equipped with new add-ons!

Google announced at its I/O developer conference back in March that it will be launching some new extensions for Gmail. The tech company has kept its ...

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IAM benefits for your business

Your employees access applications and confidential business data every day. Hackers, on the other hand, are trying to do the exact same thing but for ...

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Facebook Messenger: The Key to Growth

With over 1.3 billion monthly active users, Facebook’s Messenger app is an unprecedented success. Facebook is now looking to fully utilize the potential ...

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Microsoft Office made easy!

Microsoft is known for their easy-to-use products. But did you know that behind Office’s simple-looking user interface lie many in-depth features? From ...

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Say goodbye to pre-installed crapware

A newly bought PC with a heap of unwanted pre-installed trialware is a nightmare for us all. Once it’s on your computer, it will either keep urging ...

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VPNs: Why you need them

Installing powerful antivirus software and setting strong passwords are no longer considered the bare minimum in cybersecurity. With hackers, government ...

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Don’t waste money on fleets of VMs

Server virtualization allows you to deliver computing resources to workstations in your network. Those resources are packed into virtual machines (VMs), ...

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Microsoft simplifies Outlook on desktop

Microsoft recently announced that it’s revamping Outlook’s user interface and improving certain features. The redesign is aimed at decluttering the ...

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Boost your job listings via Google!

Whether you’ve lost an employee or are looking to bring in extra help, you need to get your job listings posted on the right platform. If you’re not ...

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Google releases year-long security study

Your passwords are the gateway to your files, money, and identity, so it’s no surprise that hackers are constantly trying to steal them. Most cybercriminals ...

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No more passwords: Windows 10 knows your face

Passwords are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Microsoft’s Windows Hello feature, for example, allows you to unlock your device by simply glancing ...

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Use Google search to schedule appointments

For most people, Google is the first stop when searching for a specific business. And in some cases -- like searches for gyms and beauty salons -- people ...

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Save space with OneDrive’s new feature

Good news for OneDrive users: When your local storage has run out of space, you’ll no longer have to waste time and energy going through all your stored ...

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New Office attack method puts users in danger

From cloud hacks to malicious macros, hackers are becoming more creative in how they breach Microsoft Office. And although Microsoft releases security ...

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Follow Me: Windows 10 Cortana enhancements

Windows 10 users heavily rely on the Tips and Get Started features to assist them. Good news could be coming their way with a possible launch of a Cortana-guided ...

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Hackers KRACK WiFi security

For ages, most people assumed that setting a strong password on their WiFi router was enough to prevent cyberattacks, but recent events prove otherwise. ...

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Cisco to predict IT failures using AI

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are not the only ones dabbling with AI and machine learning. According to Cisco, these technologies might be key to the ...

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Updated Microsoft Office coming soon

Which version of Microsoft Office does your company use? 2010? 2007? Even the newest versions of Word, PowerPoint and Excel are from three years old, ...

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Exciting updates from Microsoft’s conference

In Microsoft's latest conference, the company has launched brand new software bundles together with bargain-priced Windows devices for schools and businesses; ...

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Your passwords are not secure

A password policy designed for federal agencies must be secure, right? Surprisingly, that hasn’t been the case according to the National Institute of ...

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5 computer tips that add hours to your day

There are only so many hours in the workday, so making the most of your time is vital. If distracting websites, unorganized files, and cluttered inboxes ...

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Handy updates in Google’s website creator

Does your business rely on internal websites and “wikis”? If so, you might want to use Google Sites, a design platform that makes it easy for G Suite ...

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Why you shouldn’t write off Firefox

Mozilla, the creator of Firefox, has spent some time and energy on projects that ended up going nowhere. But this time , they seem to have found their ...

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How do I kickstart my Facebook ad?

Facebook’s not only for posting cat photos, complaining about restaurants, or stalking your ex, it’s also an incredibly effective advertising platform. ...

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Virtualization vendors work together

Until recently, business owners had to choose between cloud-based virtualization and on-premises virtualization. Although implementing either option from ...

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How to avoid entrepreneurial hackers

Another Windows security vulnerability has been released, and it looks as though it will be only a few weeks before the next one arrives. How do we know ...

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Office 365’s web app launcher gets an update

Even with all the productivity tools available within Office 365, using several apps at once is not always easy. With Microsoft’s new web app launcher, ...

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Equifax sheds light on incident response

What would you do right now if you discover that your business’s database is hacked and a huge number of your customers’ data gets leaked? Speechless, ...

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Top reasons why you should consider ERP

When small- and medium-sized businesses expand, they need tools that can support their growth. For many, this includes cloud productivity software and ...

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Why your business should get SaaS-y

How much does your business pay for software licenses? What about the annual maintenance costs? For most SMBs, software investment has long been a significant ...

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My Workspace: Office 365 tool for Mac users

Mac users can now access their Office 365 apps and files with My Workspace, Microsoft’s handy new tool for macOS. Although in its early stages, My Workspace ...

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Windows 10 makes decluttering easy

You may be surprised to know how many unnecessary files, or what we’d call “clutter,” are stored on your PC, causing it to perform at less than ...

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End of support for Google Drive app

Google’s long-standing productivity suite, Google Drive app, is getting parked. No, this is not a joke and it comes as a surprise to us too. But what ...

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Office 365 users face new phishing scam

With the popularity of Office 365, hackers are trying to find new ways to exploit its users, and they’ve come up with a new idea: a credential-harvesting ...

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6 ways to flood-proof your business IT

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma have already caused billions of dollars in damages, but hurricane season is far from over. Experts are predicting that there ...

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Useful features on the new Outlook.com

Along with a new, clean look, Outlook.com introduces improvements that will make you and your staff’s lives easier. A more convenient mail sorting system, ...

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How to use OneNote like a pro

Can you list all the apps in the Microsoft Office suite? Did you forget OneNote? It’s often overlooked, but Microsoft’s note-taking app is incredibly ...

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Locky-type ransomware is attacking systems

A new, Locky-type ransomware is currently infecting tens of thousands of computers worldwide. It uses the same code from the 2016 version to encrypt users’ ...

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The values of Amazon AppStream 2.0

Success is not just about putting in the hours, but also being adaptive and investing in the right tools to improve outputs. Keeping work confined to ...

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Microsoft adds new Office 365 apps for SMBs

Office 365 is the ideal productivity tool for small- and medium-sized businesses. It’s cost-effective and receives plenty of support and upgrades from ...

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Enterprises features in Windows 10 update

In Microsoft’s Fall Creators Update, Windows 10 business users can expect a better, more secure operating system. Since introducing new features to ...

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Google’s 2-Step Verification sign-in

Google wants users to use a prompts-based 2-Step Verification sign-in instead of the SMS two-factor authentication. This is partly because the National ...

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How to make the most of your CRM

Building a rapport with customers has never been easier with customer relationship management (CRM) software. You can track contact information, buying ...

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Enhance content through social media

When social media is used correctly, marketers can better understand their target audience and thus create better content and deliver it more effectively. ...

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Citrix integrates with Google Cloud

With feature-rich cloud applications like Docs and Slides in G Suite, users can work whenever and wherever they want from any internet-connected device. ...

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Showdown: Office 2016 vs. Office 365

Understanding how Microsoft 2016 and Microsoft 365 differ and deciding which one is right for your business can be difficult. After all, they both have ...

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Microsoft 365 is here!

Are you bothered by the fact that Microsoft Office 365 and Windows 10 are sold separately? If that’s the case, you’re not the only one, and thankfully, ...

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Steer clear from these types of malware

Did you know that viruses, ransomware, spyware, and trojans are all categorized as types of malware? Having been around for decades, these cyber threats ...

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Six Gmail tips you should start using

24 hours seem to pass by in the blink of an eye, especially if you’re a small-business owner. In order to stand a chance against your competition, the ...

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Microsoft enhances Workplace Analytics

Microsoft’s Workplace Analytics is a handy tool for managers who would like to assess their employees’ performance using data from Office 365 programs. ...

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Do you know what Google Posts are?

Google Posts was originally intended for the candidates of the 2016 presidential election. After a couple of months, Google decided to release it to a ...

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Microsoft’s protection plan for Windows 10

Microsoft has created new security features for Windows 10 users. This update is a response to the global outbreak of ransomware attacks such as WannaCry ...

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Beware: Nyetya is worse than WannaCry

The cyber community hasn’t fully recovered from the WannaCry ransomware attacks, which struck businesses and organizations in May. Now, a Petya ransomware ...

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Productivity tip: email automation

If you have ever received what looked like a personalized email from a huge corporation, there’s a good chance it was actually written with the help ...

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Your SMB needs these Facebook tools

Facebook is like a Swiss Army knife, practical and featureful. But did you know that Facebook has hundreds of built-in marketing features that 1.8 billion ...

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Chrome ad blocker is coming

Chrome users have something to look forward to next year: an ad blocker. While this might not sound like the most exciting release from Google, it’s ...

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Microsoft to Upgrade Office 365

Rather than issuing updates three times a year -- February, June, and October -- Microsoft is slowing things down for Office 365 ProPlus. Now, users will ...

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Windows XP receives security update

Support for Windows XP ended in April 8, 2014. This means that Microsoft has stopped providing updates, security patches, and technical assistance for ...

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Worrying evidence of poor router security

Adding to the list of reasons to outsource your network security to a certified IT provider, a recent CIA leak shows just how vulnerable most network ...

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Office 365: Increase ROI with Power BI

It’s rare that business owners have a chance to get move value out of their existing IT solutions without investing more resources in them. But with ...

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5 tips to keep the Cloud cost-efficient

As a business owner, it’s essential that you are aware of the hidden costs associated with the Cloud and what measures you can take to keep those costs ...

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New anti-phishing features for Gmail

Over the years phishing -- a social engineering attack that uses seemingly innocuous emails to trick victims into giving away personal information or ...

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Keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10

Since its release back in 2015, Windows 10 continues to see updates and new features. This time, users are greeted with some new keyboard shortcuts that ...

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6 tips to get the most out of Office 365

Microsoft’s Office 365 comes with a broad range of tools that will make you and your colleagues more productive. It has simultaneous co-authoring features, ...

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How to market SMBs with Pinterest

The waitlist for Pinterest’s latest “DIY Promoted Pins” tool is proof of how eager small- and medium-sized businesses are when it comes to social ...

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Hurricane-proof your business

While it’s easy to turn a blind eye against hurricane warnings and think “I already have a business continuity plan in place”, it pays to be extremely ...

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NSA endorses mobile virtualization

Mobile device management is a full-fledged subset of IT security. Employees store and view sensitive data on their smartphones, which exposes your organization ...

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7 tips for avoiding data loss in Office 365

Microsoft understands the value of your business’s data and the costly repercussions of losing it. That’s why they’ve released a slew of security ...

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What’s on tap for Windows 10 this fall?

This autumn, the changing leaves are accompanied by the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update from Microsoft. Not only is it retaining the “Creators Update” ...

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Lessons learned from the WannaCry malware

WannaCry is one of the few malware campaigns to become a household name. It’s educated countless people on the reality of ransomware and the vulnerability ...

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Precautions against WannaCry ransomware

The WannaCry ransomware, a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and extorts them for money, has already affected thousands of machines worldwide. ...

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How machine learning boosts productivity

Have you noticed how your G Suite applications have been making smart suggestions to you lately? Relax, you’re not being spied on by cyber criminals; ...

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Ransomware Prevention Guide

Originally published on Webroot
Edited by Nero Consulting

As the impact and severity of crypto-ransomware threats and attacks has grown over the ...

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Office 365 receives security upgrades

With the increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, businesses need even stronger security tools to defend their sensitive documents. Fortunately, Office ...

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Windows 10 updates will be biannual

Updating the Windows operating system is both crucial for the security of your computers, and incredibly frustrating. Up until now, Microsoft has released ...

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How to make your business pop online

In today’s competitive business environment, SMBs are constantly finding new ways to outdo one another. Recently, social media and content marketing ...

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The true cost of an ugly website

We are taught never to judge a book by its cover. But in this superficial age, looks are everything, especially for websites. Your website is a customer’s ...

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A brief history of virtual quarantines

Malware is becoming more sophisticated every day, and we recommend several solutions for dealing with it. One of the most interesting of these is achievable ...

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Why you need to update Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a staple business application. But since so many people use it on a daily basis, hackers work tirelessly to expose and exploit flaws ...

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Windows 10 Creators Update: new features

Instead of an outright operating system update, Microsoft is now releasing named updates that come with enhancements and other features that individual ...

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Reasons to back up your mobile devices

It makes a lot of sense for electronics firms to pack a variety of functions into mobile devices and expand their usefulness. Instead of confining their ...

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5 G Suite updates and improvements in 2017

Google’s cloud platform G Suite has been getting a lot of attention from businesses recently. It’s an incredibly powerful tool that enhances collaboration, ...

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Docs.com shares users’ sensitive files

Have you recently created and uploaded a Microsoft file on Microsoft’s free document-sharing platform, docs.com? Did you know that other than yourself ...

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SMBs and social media policy reviews

We live in an age overflowing with information, and most of this is taking place in social media feeds and timelines. Social media is truly a window to ...

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What will happen without Windows Vista?

As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” Microsoft is saying goodbye to its 10-year-old operating system, Windows Vista. This means ...

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Wikileaks’ charges of government spying

Staving off malicious cyber attackers is already a herculean task, so the last thing you need is to feel exposed from a totally new angle. That’s how ...

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Boost user productivity with MyAnalytics

Machine learning is all the rage nowadays, and few vendors are providing as many solutions powered by this new technology as is Microsoft. In its latest ...

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Virtualization giants are pairing up

For companies trying to create employee desktops stored on a server and delivered over the internet, security and optimization often entail a mess of ...

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Microsoft Teams is updated and ready

Prior to the release of Microsoft’s version of Slack -- a popular cloud-based team collaboration tool --, Microsoft Teams received a major update that ...

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Disable Microsoft’s new desktop ads

Digital advertisements are ubiquitous across the internet. And just as users started to come to terms with that, Microsoft has taken ads one step further. ...

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No Ransom: a place for free decryption

Although a ransomware infection might feel targeted, you’re not the only one who’s been infected. Ransomware is spreading at an alarming rate, but ...

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Google makes its cloud platform Always Free

With Google’s newly introduced tier, more users are expected to get drawn to the search engine giant’s cloud platform. In an effort to promote Google ...

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OMS: The best way to organize online sales

There are so many variables that go into order fulfillment and shipping that it’s no wonder an entire field has sprung up around streamlining these ...

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Cloudbleed: Your data could be at risk

A small error in Cloudflare’s code has spilled millions of login credentials, personal information, and cookies all over the internet. The bug, known ...

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Utilize Snapchat for business growth

Businesses nowadays are focusing their marketing efforts towards social media. Precious time and money are being invested in expanding customer base, ...

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Office 365: What plan is the right one?

There’s a lot to like about Office 365. You have access to cloud-based productivity suites, Microsoft email servers, SharePoint, and more. But not all ...

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Four helpful Cortana commands

Like Apple’s Siri and Google’s Google Now, Cortana is an intelligent personal assistant that assists you with a variety of tasks such as making phone ...

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Fileless malware: who are the targets?

Business owners have spent the last couple months fearful of cyber attacks from the “fileless malware” plastered across headlines. The reality of ...

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New smart search engine for G Suite users

The newest tool launched for business customers is Google Cloud Search, which allows users to search across G Suite products such as Drive, Gmail, Sites, ...

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Real-world audits: disaster recovery plans

Failing to stop a cyber attacker, or to pass a disaster recovery plan (DRP) audit could be the product of focusing your efforts on the wrong educational ...

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Attacks on WordPress websites

WordPress is currently the most used web platform, with a market share of 40-50% out of all Content Management Solutions (CMS) platforms. It powers various ...

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Why sign up for the Office Insider program?

With Office 365, users can access the latest cloud productivity features available. But for those who want to get a leg up on Office features, opt for ...

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Free Windows 10 upgrade for SMB’s

SMB stands for small- and medium-sized businesses, not Sorry Microsoft none of your Business. To clear up this misunderstanding, Microsoft has decided ...

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5 great ways to prevent cyber-attacks

As technology consultants, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. We want to provide our clients with enterprise-level IT, but that requires that ...

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4 Google apps to start using now

Did you know that Google offers more than just Gmail, Maps and YouTube? Although indispensable to the lives of smartphone users the world over, these ...

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Office 365 and G Suite

Google’s G Suite or Microsoft’s Office 365? That’s the question. One that many business owners ask themselves but often put aside because weighing ...

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Our 4 favorite web browsers

Internet browsers are a unique type of software. No two browsers share the same list of features and functions, and almost all of them are free. That ...

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The new face of e-marketing: IG stories

Scroll, double-tap, repeat, might have been the original Instagram-ing routine, but not anymore. After partnering with global advertising giants, IG is ...

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What hyperconvergence means for you

[caption id="attachment_29412" align="alignleft" width="164"] Modern web network and internet telecommunication technology, big data storage and cloud ...

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Microsoft says goodbye to Office 2013

Office 365 subscribers have a little less than a month to enjoy a fully-supported Office 2013 productivity suite. In an effort to push users towards the ...

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No more extended support for Windows 7

When you grow accustomed to something -- like a morning routine, a particular type of coffee, or in this case, an operating system -- attempts at change ...

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The business benefits of CRM software

Investing in customer relationship management (CRM) software is absolutely essential for small- and medium-sized businesses that want to up their sales ...

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G Suite’s new updates

Google Cloud’s popular business line of applications, G Suite, has gained traction ever since its inception, thanks to its user-friendly interface ...

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New virus threatens virtual machines

Before some of our clients have even had a chance to wrap their heads around what virtualization is and how it works, hackers have already started attacking ...

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Let Office 365 help you save the date

When you’re planning a reunion, going back and forth with your friends is frustrating, to say the least. Imagine a similar scenario in your office. ...

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Google Assistant lets you type on new version

Your own personal assistant is supposed to make life easier. Designed to let you dictate your searches instead of typing them, Google Assistant was made ...

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Windows 10: user complaints addressed

Over the past year, Microsoft received major backlash for 'forcing' the Windows 10 update as well as future updates on PC users. Fortunately, the tech ...

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Statistics for cyber security during 2016

As cyber attacks continue to rise, businesses large and small need to stay one step ahead with IT services that keep them protected no matter what. What ...

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2017 IT essentials: disaster recovery plan

When disaster strikes, organizations need to put their business continuity plans into action and recover their IT systems as quickly as possible. Failing ...

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Group voice call on Facebook

Skype used to dominate an area of VoIP communications that serves a special function: group video calling. With apps like Snapchat, WhatsApp and, most ...

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5 safe bets for web services in 2017

Investing in technology requires a lot of forethought and research. Successful business owners know that it isn’t just seeing an ad on your sidebar ...

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New OneDrive capability for Office 365

Office 365 doesn’t represent the number of days you need to spend working; rather, it’s a productivity and collaboration-enhancing software that helps ...

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Adobe Flash Changes for Microsoft Edge

Recently, changes to Microsoft Edge, the built-in web browser for all new Microsoft Windows systems, ended the browser's instantaneous compatibility with ...

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The ransomware that makes you sell your soul

Ransomware has become a fast-track for making money for some hackers this holiday season. But instead of just demanding a small payment for the decryption ...

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Google OKs HTML5 as the default in Chrome

Google is out to make the user's experience more secure and efficient with its recent announcement that it will disable Flash and implement an HTML5 default ...

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Google App Maker offers business solutions

Google recently announced the launch of a new service called App Maker, a software solution for app creation. This new product aims to make the process ...

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Sharing business data: SharePoint/OneDrive

Office 365 comes with a variety of storage and sharing options that promise to make life easier and more productive for business owners. OneDrive and ...

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How Microsoft plans to streamline updates

Updating Microsoft's Windows 10 to the next major patch can be a time-consuming and computer-slowing endeavor. However, Microsoft has diligently worked ...

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New year, new cyber-threats

Have you had to deal with security issues in the past year? Brace yourself, as there are more to come. For this reason, security experts have become indispensable ...

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AWS changes up storage options and prices

Users of Amazon Web Services (AWS) will notice a difference in the price they pay for cloud storage as the company rolls out yet another price drop. Additionally, ...

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Get big leads with marketing automation

Marketing automation was once a technology reserved for mega corporations and enterprise-level businesses. Fortunately, the IT industry is making business ...

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Highlights of new vSphere 6.5 features

VMware is one of the flagship virtualization companies, offering business owners the virtual storage and workspace they need to grow. vSphere 6.5 is the ...

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Office 365 surprises Insiders with Hub app

There is a new weapon available to business owners who subscribe to Office 365. It's called Office 365 Hub, and it was recently released under the guise ...

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Important updates to Microsoft Paint

In many years, Windows users have been stuck with the same old Paint software, wondering whether improvements would ever be made. The day for change and ...

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Easy tips for preventing a costly data breach

Business technology has become one of the most important components for successful companies big and small. In an overwhelmingly digital landscape, businesses ...

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AI can enhance your e-commerce business

Artificial intelligence (AI, or “machine learning”) has quickly transformed from science fiction to reality, and is currently on track to become an ...

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Why analytics are important to data backups

Data is vital to your business. It’s how you keep records, track activities, and function as a business in general. However, with all of the data that ...

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Office 365 upgrades in productivity & safety

The latest Office 365 updates add productivity solutions and increased security to business owners who utilize the cloud-based program. Azure Information ...

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The pros and cons of vSpace Pro 10

One of the newest and potentially most innovative virtual desktop platforms for businesses is vSpace 10 Pro, which has recently been released. If you ...

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Why Google search prioritizes mobile

Google recently announced and enacted changes to its search tools. The change is primarily to prioritize mobile. In other words, the search tool is now ...

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Revealed: new Windows 10 features

One of the best things about Windows 10 is all the features that came with it originally as well as the new features coming out. But these updates were ...

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Youth: the real tech-scam victims

Scam artists will stop at nothing to make an extra buck, which means that people need to be vigilant about protecting their valuable information. While ...

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Untapped social media options

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have changed the way we interpret the word social. Whereas it used to mean just catching up with a friend over tea, being ...

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Enjoy Opera 41's browsing features

In a world full of fresh options, there is no reason for you to be bogged down by outdated methods. It helps to have the latest web browser tools to improve ...

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How Outlook's update Improves User Experience

When it comes to the communications tools you use in your business, there may be many opportunities to improve the process that you have not yet explored. ...

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Microsoft releases patches for Windows 10

Windows 10 may be widely regarded as a massive improvement on Windows 8, but Microsoft’s latest operating system has its share of imperfections as well. ...

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Understanding virtualization containers

The evolution of software containers has changed the way virtual computing is realized. It has diminished the risks of malware and the trouble of portability ...

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Is two-step authentication the only way?

With all the recent hacking scares all over the world, you know and understand that your cyber security and your business’s cyber security are extremely ...

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The benefits of internet monitoring

The internet is constantly tempting us. There’s an endless collection of funny cat videos, memes, and social media statuses to consume. Sure, the occasional ...

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Google Pixel features to look out for

Smartphone development is a tough market to break into. Microsoft tried with its Windows Phone, but that was a fruitless venture. This year, Google plans ...

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O365’s newest machine learning functions

Everyone has heard of machine learning, but not everyone knows exactly what it is. Although it’s extremely complicated, it can be summed up thusly: ...

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Office-wide Windows migrations, made easy

Despite a varied range of software such as Office 365 and Azure, Windows remains Microsoft’s darling. And although the most recent version has achieved ...

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Microsoft secures its Edge browser

Thanks to Microsoft’s latest announcement, cyber-criminals will have a harder time breaking into Windows systems. By dropping the Edge browser into ...

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Facebook at Work boosts communication

Facebook has been looking for new ways to diversify the services it offers. One such example is Facebook at Work -- launching today. The new product is ...

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Cyber-crime and social engineering

For as long as there have been cybercriminals, there have been social engineers, or people who use tricks and scams to force other people to volunteer ...

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Branded search results for your business

SEO is meant to increase traffic to a website so that more users interact with its content. However, there is more than one way to approach SEO. The right ...

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VR tech helps promote business growth

It’s been reported that Facebook is about to ship out its Oculus virtual reality headsets, and Google has its own version in the works. By taking all ...

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Office 365 allows guests to collaborate

Office 365 is constantly evolving. What started as an online extension of Microsoft’s flagship productivity suite has evolved into one of the best pieces ...

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The next big thing in endpoint security

As virtualization becomes a household name for small- and medium-sized business owners, more and more services are being introduced. Hardware virtualization, ...

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Tame Windows 10 notifications in 3 steps

Microsoft has equipped Windows 10 users with a comprehensive set of tools to get their action center settings under control -- even if most users don’t ...

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Can others access deleted Google history?

The reason we part ways with certain things is that we don’t wish to see them ever again. But in this modern day and age, is that possible? Imagine ...

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9 cybersecurity terms everyone must know

Everyone, from doctors to lawyers, needs to continue learning to stay ahead of the times. Business owners might have it worst of all, oftentimes needing ...

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Enhance networking with LinkedIn Alumni

Catching up with your friends at your high school reunion is all well and fun before the conversation turns to work. It seems like all your friends have ...

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How to avoid your own Delta IT disaster

Earlier this year, thousands of Delta passengers worldwide were grounded due to a power outage that halted critical IT operations. This was a huge problem ...

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Has your cloud consultant gone crazy?

You might not have noticed it, but cloud implementation consultants and contractors have been acting increasingly stupid over the last couple of years. ...

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Master your next Powerpoint presentation

Back in the prehistoric ages, Neanderthals resorted to cave drawings to tell bedtime stories or to announce marriages. Microsoft PowerPoint is the modern-day ...

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How Fantom is haunting unsuspecting users

The heart of a lady is not easily won; a man can’t rely on his looks or wallet to make a girl fall head over heels. He must charm his way into her heart. ...

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Google’s cloud services are no longer beta

In an age where we sometimes move faster than the speed of light, patience is a quality not many possess. Like children who keep asking “Are we there ...

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Keep your Dropbox secure

The next time you visit Dropbox.com, you may be asked to create a new password. Why? Back in 2012 the cloud storage firm was hacked, and while it thought ...

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Twitter reveals new SMB dashboard app

The ocean has a strange way of making you feel so small; so does a Twitter account with virtually no followers. It does become quite hard for your small- ...

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Best Options for CRM Software in 2016

As the saying goes, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” If oceans were to separate you from your loved ones, what would you do? Would you communicate ...

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Coming soon: Office 365 upgrade!

Remember when spellchecker became widely popular in the late ‘70s and was considered a lifesaver for many people using word processors? You may ask ...

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How to see Android notifications on your PC

As subversive as smartphones may be, we’ll likely never be able to completely get away from desktop computing. And when you’re stuck hammering away ...

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Improve searches with these Google tricks

During the pre-internet era, locating a document or verifying a fact took countless hours, if not days. Now with smartphones and search engines, it takes ...

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Schedule meetings with Microsoft FindTime

The art of organizing a meeting is much like chess. Each player has different possible moves, or availabilities; and it's up to you to strategize which ...

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How to build a better chatbot

In order to gain a competitive advantage, you would need to gain clarity before everyone else does. Of course, that’s a lot easier said than done. Similarly, ...

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Newest member of Office 365: Bookings

Phoning your boss to justify why you couldn’t make it to the morning meeting is pretty bad, and going through this on a regular basis is even worse. ...

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How to solve these six Window 10 problems

There’s no such thing as perfection. This is especially true for Windows 10. While it’s highly praised for the removal of annoying functions in the ...

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Free decryption tools fight ransomware

Similar to the shakedowns you see in mob movies where innocent shop owners are forced to pay “protection money,” deploying ransomware is a means of ...

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Introducing Gmail's search operators

Searching desperately for an email in the hour of need is something we all want to avoid, yet most of us are familiar with the situation. But the process ...

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Firefox’s 8 hidden function upgrades

Warriors preparing for battle need to ensure they are armed with the best weapons and the strongest armor. The same can be said for businesses today. ...

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5 ways to make tech trends work for you

What tech fads has your SMB recently written off as silly and not worth your time? 3D printing, internet of things…Pokémon GO? Juvenile as they may ...

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New Outlook add-on comes to the rescue

A good business owner needs to occasionally put themselves into their employee's shoes to get a better picture. Imagine you are a sales representative, ...

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Data in, buzzword out

One of your business’s most valuable assets is data, and ensuring its safety should be a top priority for your IT department. But what of the fact that ...

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7 tips every Windows 10 user should know

The difference between regular users and power users is their proficiency in navigating the OS and utilizing its tips and tricks for an efficient computing ...

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5 security measures made easy

Let’s face it, keeping yourself free from online threats can be a pain: using different passwords for every site, changing them every three months, ...

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Hybrid clouds give flexibility to SMBs

Most people will tell you that clouds can be only be found in the sky. But in the IT world, clouds are more grounded: the latest of which are a combination ...

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4 tips to improve your SMBs Google indexing

On average, Google receives about 40,000 search requests every second. It’s no surprise that people have dedicated their entire careers to mastering ...

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Microsoft Office 365 ravaged by ransomware

The Internet is a powerful platform that brings people together on a global level while giving them access to a wealth of information anytime they please. ...

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Bye bye bloatware: Windows gives us Refresh

It started out being called ‘bloatware’ but as consumer’s patience wore thin it was eventually replaced with the title ‘crapware’. In short, ...

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Why your company needs to be on Instagram

It's astounding how celebrities manage to amass millions of followers and gain thousands of likes for posting a photo of their shadow. Companies of all ...

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Apps for Work from Google gets an upgrade

While many SMBs rave about Apps for Work and its ability to provide cheap enterprise-level productivity software, it’s generally agreed upon that there ...

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Tools for online reputation marketing

Like the Loch Ness Monster, reputation marketing has long been considered a figure that is shrouded in mystery. Shai Aharony from Redboot Online sums ...

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Game Over: NBA team losses valuable data

Good cyber security, much like the best NBA defenses, must be strong and able to stop threats from every which way. For the Milwaukee Bucks, their on-court ...

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Do I really need anti-malware for my Mac?

On the popular Discovery Channel program “Mythbusters,” hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman take a legend and deconstruct it to see whether its long-held ...

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Seven Microsoft Excel mastery tips

When was the last time you used Microsoft Excel? And no, hovering over the icon doesn’t count. If it’s taking you too long to remember, then it probably ...

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Creating online communities for businesses

Gamers require an effective strategy to thwart the boss, athletes require constant updates on the latest tournaments to improve performance and businesses ...

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Ransomware to begin self-propagation

One of the biggest fears security experts have may be coming true: self-replicating ransomware. Viruses that have the ability to copy and spread themselves ...

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Key announcements from Google I/O 2016

Mayan priests took it upon themselves to inform the people of important matters such as festivals, harvest updates and when the next Quidditch tournament ...

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Windows Phone is calling it quits

Microsoft smartphones have been on their last legs for months, if not years. Though builds and new features held promise in revitalizing the device, Microsoft ...

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Improve Chrome with these 6 extensions

Well over half of all surveyed internet users utilize Google’s Chrome web browser, and it’s not difficult to see why. The ability to customize your ...

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Aspects of virtualization: licenses

Software developers make a profit by selling us the best product they can create. When selling pieces of their software in bulk they offer licensing packages ...

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Engage your audience with Google Slides

Presentations no longer have to be one-way transactions where presenters spoon feed information to participants. Until now, slideshow software didn’t ...

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How business continuity plans can fail

Your service provider, who you have tasked with looking after your company’s IT, has kept your business up and running for the past 10 years. Usually, ...

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Are your site’s images hiding an attack?

As more and more content management services are released to aid SMBs in online marketing, security risks also increase. One such helper is the image ...

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A more secure cloud-based Microsoft Office

Privacy and security concerns can derail a lot of great software ideas -- but Microsoft is determined not to let that happen to their browser-based Office ...

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7 Twitter tactics to get more retweets

Managing your company’s Twitter account can be tricky. You have a lot of brilliant things to say in under 140 characters but the problem is getting ...

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Essential Microsoft Word formatting tips

Microsoft Word has been around for over 20 years, and for better or worse it has become increasingly complex. What started as a simple text editor has ...

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App virtualization explained

For someone with limited IT experience like a small business owner, they could find themselves overwhelmed by their company’s IT demands. Fortunately, ...

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Will more apps save the Windows phone?

Windows has increasingly been left forgotten in the smartphone game. This is especially due to the huge success of iOS and Android devices. But just when ...

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Understand these 4 types of hackers

Why do hackers attack? Is it for money, notoriety, or political reasons? Many business owners never ask these questions, and instead only think about ...

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Tips to get to 500+ LinkedIn connections

Most people are still impressed when they see a LinkedIn profile with 500+ connections. It gives that person authority in their industry and shows they’re ...

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5 underused PDF features in Google Drive

From just a simple document viewer to a fully evolved cloud based solution, Google Drive just keeps getting stronger as a productivity suite for many ...

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Improved email security for Office 365

No matter how much technology advances, human error has always been a fact of life. Nowhere is this more pertinent than when it comes to email security ...

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Boost staff productivity with mobile tech

Most business owners are quick to think that utilizing mobile devices automatically leads to more productivity. Unfortunately, this is not always true. ...

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6 Windows 10 features to look forward to

Recently, Windows 10’s Anniversary Update announced some pretty cool features that you didn’t even know you wanted. Some of these changes include ...

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Retail Customer Spotlight

Take a look at two recently featured retail customers, Brookstone and Orchard Supply Hardware, who are both using Meraki APs and Switches to improve the ...

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4 BYOD security risks you should address

In the 21st century, personal computing is with us wherever we go. This is all thanks to the proliferation of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. ...

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Office 365 Groups: your apps under one roof

Nowadays, people have dozens of tabs open in their web browsers to access services that help them with work or catch up on social media. The problem is, ...

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5 tips for using Facebook reactions

Simply getting a ‘Like’ on your post is not enough anymore. It doesn’t give you any other useful data and you can’t immediately tell what people ...

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How to calculate your technology ROI

When purchasing new technology, how often do you consider its return on investment? For many business owners, calculating ROI is a tricky task that is ...

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The security risks of virtualization

While virtualization security is not often talked about, it is nevertheless important. Like all technology, securing your virtualized infrastructure is ...

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7 Warning signs of malware infection

As companies go to the Internet to conduct their business, their IT security becomes more vulnerable to many hackers and viruses. That’s why it’s ...

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7 Ways to customize your Windows 10

Whether you want to have a darker color scheme, run several apps at the same time or have multiple desktop displays, Windows 10 gives you many options ...

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10 Office 365 features you need for work

Whether you need suggestions for your PowerPoint presentation, someone to edit your Word document or input a lot of data into Excel, Office 365 has the ...

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Productivity secrets of Google Drive

If you’re a regular Google Drive user, you already know how it can make your business more efficient and productive. But are you getting the most out ...

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Why you should consider virtualization

Before you start purchasing any new hardware, consider virtualizing your IT infrastructure. Virtualization means to abstract the software from the hardware. ...

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Tips to monitor employee activities online

When it comes to monitoring your employees online, there are potential positives and negatives for your company. But as a business owner who’s never ...

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Creating a Mobile Security Strategy

Since the arrival of the first consumer-bought smartphones, enterprise security has been under threat. That all-important chain of defense against security ...

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The New Standard for Business Email

The ecosystem around email has changed significantly and dramatically in just the last couple of years. Huge new business risks have come to the forefront. ...

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Get Office 365 switch security right

The decision to migrate from an on-site SharePoint system to a cloud-based Office 365 solution isn’t one that most small or medium-sized businesses ...

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BI is not just for the big boys

Most of us don’t normally associate Business Intelligence (BI) with small- or medium-sized businesses; the large investment that has traditionally been ...

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4 things you should know about the cloud

Cloud computing has proven to be a cost-effective necessity for small businesses. Owners can now breathe a sigh of relief as website hosting, email services ...

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Speed up Windows 10 with these tips

You’re likely a busy person. So the last thing you want to be bothered with is a slow computer. If you’ve recently upgraded to Windows 10, you may ...

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Risks financial firms face

TTP’s stands for threats and tactics, techniques and procedures, the number of which has been gradually increasing since 2015. The financial services ...

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Tips to speed up your WordPress website

We’ve all experienced the frustration of a slow loading website. While ten years ago, you would just have to grin and bear it as a site loaded with ...

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Tips to use Office 365 more productively

A paintbrush can create the Mona Lisa or the Last Supper. An airplane can bring passengers to exotic locations anywhere on the planet. And stone, deftly ...

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How virtualization helps cut costs

With the gradual integration of virtualization, many small and medium-sized businesses have seen many benefits that extend beyond their bottom line. Not ...

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Windows 10 privacy protection tips

It takes seconds to infiltrate and obtain private information. And while it’s unlikely that Microsoft will cause your business financial ruin with their ...

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4 steps to enhance your online image

The term ‘image’ is no longer associated with just pictures or paintings. In this modern day and age, image extends to how one perceives your business ...

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Become better with these productivity tips

We live in the age of distraction. If it’s not the hundredth urgent email in your inbox that blows your focus, maybe it’s your IT staff pounding on ...

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LinkedIn tips for the SMB

As a small business owner, you may be a bit perplexed how to gain the most value out of LinkedIn. You may have already spent countless hours trying to ...

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5 time-saving Microsoft Word tips

Although there are many alternatives out there, Microsoft Word remains one of the most popular and user-friendly word processors for businesses large ...

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Secure your business with these IT policies

Employees are one of your biggest security holes. There is no foolproof prevention method for human error, and this is why employee mistakes are one of ...

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Tips to make Google Chrome super fast

For Internet users who are accustomed to a super-fast connection, there’s nothing worse than a sluggish web browser. It impacts your workflow, slows ...

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Top YouTube marketing tips

If you’re not considering YouTube for your business’s marketing strategy, you’re truly missing out on one of the most powerful marketing platforms ...

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Computer Security 101


Do not put passwords on Post-it Notes near your computer. If you must use them, keep them far away from the computer and locked away, ...

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Browser Extensions and Online Privacy

Think you’ve got enough security measures in place within your company? How do you know what the next malware release will bring? Do you trust your ...

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Understanding Google Analytics

In today’s competitive business world, it’s imperative that you have a thorough understanding of who your visitors are and what are their expectations. ...

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The Rise Of Social Media in Iran

Communicating via social media is a way of life for many of us, and these days it’s almost unheard of to not have a Facebook account, but what do you ...

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Add-ins give Office new life

Are you looking for a way to change up your Microsoft Office experience? It’s actually pretty easy to do thanks to a plethora of add-ins available for ...

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Chimera ransomware’s scary tactics

The threat of being infected by malicious software is part and parcel of spending time on the internet, and no sooner have the antivirus and security ...

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2016’s possible security problems

As shown by recent high-profile hacking scandals - targeting everyone from Sony Entertainment to the extramarital-affair-facilitating website Ashley Madison ...

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The link between big data and profit

Big data. You may have heard of it; after all it’s been putting in an appearance at boardroom meetings across the globe for some time now. But what ...

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How to use data to add business value

Are you making the most of one of your business’s greatest assets? Along with your loyal customers, your team of enthusiastic and hardworking staff, ...

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Twitter alerts users to cyber attacks

Something known as “state-sponsored cyber attacks” may not be something you have heard of until now. But with both Facebook and Google viewing the ...

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How Google overcomes secure browsing issues

It’s safe to say that malware attacks, phishing scams, and social media engineering practices are going nowhere fast. That means that, whether you are ...

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Tips to add value to your blog

When listing your company’s assets, your blog probably doesn’t make the cut. Many businesses tend to ignore blogging - which is a real mistake these ...

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Tips for smart BI planning

Implementing Business Intelligence (BI) software and other tools can help your company grown by leaps and bounds. However, it has to be planned for with ...

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Office 2016 for Mac is now available

Office 2016 for Mac has arrived, and it brings with it several new features to Microsoft’s popular productivity suite and cloud-based services. Microsoft ...

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