How to enable windows defender? Support for New York Businesses

Here is a quick overview for how to enable Windows Defender in your Windows 10 devices:

Open the taskbar
Click the Windows Defender Icon (Shield or Castle depending on O.S)
This will open the Windows Defender Panel. Here look for the setting “Turn off Windows Defender Antivirus” which is underneath the folders of other settings.

Do this to avoid the Windows 10 upgrade

Repetition is a proven way to incite people into action. Children use it to break down their parents’ psyche and get them to buy the latest toy, and advertisers use it to sell their product. Now, Microsoft is using the same tactic to try and get you to upgrade to Windows 10. But this time, you don’t have to stand for it.

Cortana tips and tricks for an easier life

Over the years, the virtual assistant has evolved. First there was the Microsoft Paperclip (aka Clippy), later we had Siri, and now we have Cortana, the new assistant for Microsoft Windows 10. If you’re a Windows 10 user who loves the operating system just as much as we do, you may be curious as to how you can best utilize your new personal assistant.