Windows 11: The basics you need to know

Windows 10 remains the most popular operating system (OS) in the world today. And because it will still be supported until 2025, most users don’t feel the urgency to upgrade to Windows 11. While there’s still plenty of time to upgrade to the latest Microsoft OS, it doesn’t hurt to know what you’re getting into — especially because every Microsoft user will eventually have to use it.

Microsoft adjusts how Windows 10 is updated

Having problems with your Windows 10 updates? Perhaps they’re incompatible with your latest driver update. To prevent such issues from happening, Microsoft has changed the Windows 10 update system.

First, let’s distinguish between driver updates and operating system (OS) updates:

Driver updates – A driver is software that allows your computer’s OS to communicate with various hardware devices connected to your computer.

Do this to avoid the Windows 10 upgrade

Repetition is a proven way to incite people into action. Children use it to break down their parents’ psyche and get them to buy the latest toy, and advertisers use it to sell their product. Now, Microsoft is using the same tactic to try and get you to upgrade to Windows 10. But this time, you don’t have to stand for it.