What you need to know about Google Posts

A Google Post is content that promotes your business’ services, announcements, offers, events, product updates, or any content for free. This tool provides many promising benefits for your business. Here’s what you need to know. What they can do Google Posts allow users to communicate directly in the search results. This differs from the Knowledge […]

Do ugly websites really cost you money?

No business owner should ever be embarrassed by their website. It’s worth the effort to run through everything with a fine-toothed comb and ensure your online customers are getting the best possible experience. We’ve rounded up the top six website elements you need to invest in. A variety of professional photos From pictures of your […]

6 Tips to keep your Mac computer safe

Although it is important, security is something that some Mac users overlook. That’s fine if all you do is watch YouTube videos or experiment with Photo Booth, but not if you use your computer for day-to-day business operations. Prevent internal and external threats from harming your device with these tips.  The basics First, let’s start […]

What can users expect with Microsoft Edge?

Microsoft Edge has replaced Internet Explorer as the default web browser on Windows 10. Edge offers plenty of new features that optimize web searches and ensure a seamless transition from any web browser. Here is the rundown on some noteworthy features: Import favorites You can easily import the list of websites you’ve marked as favorites […]

Google’s 2-Step Verification sign-in

Google wants users to use a prompts-based 2-Step Verification sign-in instead of the SMS two-factor authentication. This is partly because the National Institute of Standards and Technology disqualified the latter from its list of preferred authentication methods. Curious why? Security was the main concern. According to Google, “This is being done because SMS text-message verifications […]

Enhance content through social media

When social media is used correctly, marketers can better understand their target audience and thus create better content and deliver it more effectively. This is vital since you’ll be able to send customers tailor-made content that helps increase conversion rates and sales revenue. Grow your business with social media with these four steps: Identify what’s […]

Do you know what Google Posts are?

Google Posts was originally intended for the candidates of the 2016 presidential election. After a couple of months, Google decided to release it to a handful of local companies and it quickly gained popularity since then. These are the main driving factors behind its widespread acceptance. What they can do Google Posts basically allow users […]