Why cloud backups matter: Lessons from 10 major cloud outages

Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by cloud computing’s flexibility and vast storage. Outages and breaches can still occur, causing data loss and posing major risks. Many companies have endured costly disruptions due to inadequate backups. These 10 examples highlight the need for a comprehensive cloud backup strategy to protect your data. […]

How good is your disaster recovery plan?

You may think you know all about disaster recovery plans (DRP) from attending conferences or reading up on the subject. But one of the best ways to learn is by example, and the following real-life case offers valuable lessons. Learn about the DPR audit of a state government office and the knowledge gained from it. […]

Real-world audits: disaster recovery plans

Failing to stop a cyber attacker, or to pass a disaster recovery plan (DRP) audit could be the product of focusing your efforts on the wrong educational resources. Because no matter how many conferences you attend, or how many certifications you receive, nothing beats real-world case studies. If that’s what you’re looking for, a state […]