Windows webcam security: Essential tips to protect your online privacy

Businesses need webcams to conduct remote meetings and online conferences, but these devices can also pose a significant security risk if not properly protected. It’s therefore important to be proactive in securing your webcam to prevent any potential breaches of confidentiality and sensitive information. This guide will provide comprehensive steps on how to secure your […]

SaaS: A smart way to save on software costs

Are you feeling the pinch of high software license and maintenance costs? You’re not alone. Many small- and medium-sized businesses face these challenges. Thankfully, you can cut down on your software-related expenses without sacrificing efficiency by using Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). What is SaaS? In the past, users got software by buying a physical CD or downloading […]

Before buying antivirus software, consider these factors

With current threats such as viruses, ransomware, and spyware becoming more frequent than ever before, it is essential to have an effective antivirus program installed on your computer. When looking for the right one, however, there are some factors you should take into account. Cost While there are free antivirus programs out there, more often […]

Shopping for antivirus software? Consider the following points

As viruses, ransomware, and spyware become more dangerous these days, it’s more important than ever to have powerful antivirus protection. When choosing the right antivirus program for your computer, however, there are many things you should consider. Let’s take a look at the most important ones. Cost There are free antivirus programs in the market, […]

Should you get Windows 10 Home, Pro, or S?

When buying new hardware for your laptop, you have to choose which operating system (OS) to install. And if you go with Windows 10, Microsoft’s latest OS, you’ll also have to decide among its Home, Pro, and S versions. Although they contain many similar features, there are significant differences among them. Here’s a quick rundown […]

Keep these in mind when shopping for antivirus software

If you think cybersecurity is only for big organizations, think again. Small- and mid-sized businesses often don’t have the budget for expensive cybersecurity tools, making them easier targets for cybercriminals. Statistics show that cybercrimes continue to increase every year. And with the global pandemic forcing businesses to work from home, protection from cyberthreats such as […]

Ways to download and install Windows 10

Microsoft is making it easy for any user to download Windows 10 from its website. This is helpful for those who want to burn it to a DVD for future use, upgrade compatible PCs, and install a clean copy. In this post, we will walk you through the different methods of downloading and installing Windows […]

Make the most of your cybersecurity investment

As cybersecurity incidents become more sophisticated, frequent, and intelligent, experts predict that the global market for cybersecurity products in 2020 will exceed that of last year. In fact, your company might be one of the thousands of businesses looking to purchase cybersecurity software. To maximize your company’s cybersecurity investment, follow these steps. Uncover threats and […]

Advantages and costs of virtualization

Many businesses find virtualization to be a cost-effective alternative to purchasing new hardware. Previously, it was necessary to allocate a new server for new applications. Now, virtual servers can run multiple operating systems and applications, eliminating hardware costs and optimizing software deployment and data backup. Find out if virtualizing your IT infrastructure is right for […]

How to master Microsoft Excel

You may know how to use Microsoft Excel’s basic functions, but have you truly mastered the program? Excel has more advanced features, and here’s how you can master some of them. Pie and Sunburst Charts Everyone knows that bombarding stakeholders with endless numbers and decimal points is the wrong approach. You need to compile data […]